How Strong Are Silverback Gorillas?

1 min readMar 29, 2023
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Silverback gorillas are among the strongest animals on earth in relation to their body size. They have been known to lift and carry objects that weigh up to several hundred pounds with ease.

To put their strength in perspective, a silverback gorilla can be several times stronger than the average human. They have been known to be able to deadlift weights equivalent to about 6 times their body weight, while the average human can deadlift about 1–1.5 times their body weight.

In terms of raw power, a silverback gorilla’s grip strength has been measured at around 1300 pounds per square inch (psi), which is several times stronger than the average human grip of around 200–300 psi.

Their upper body strength is also impressive, they have been observed to break thick branches and uproot small trees with ease.

In terms of comparison, their strength is comparable to that of a small car, they can lift and carry objects that weigh up to several thousand pounds.

It is important to note that gorillas are peaceful animals and they use their strength primarily for protection and survival in the wild, not for aggression.




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