Get ready for a splendid Christmas and the 4th Staking Season in 2023 of Blockchain Monster Hunt

The cycle will start at 7 AM UTC 1st December 2023 and registration is open from 7AM UTC 29th November.

BCM Hunter
3 min readNov 24, 2023

Welcome to the exciting world of BCMHunt’s NFT Staking Program! This is your chance to cash in on your hard-earned prizes without risking a single battle. Whether you’re a busy player or just looking for a more passive way to earn income, the NFT Staking Program is the perfect way to monetize your monster collection.

Blockchain Defenders! We completed our third staking cycle of the year, which was a bonanza! Before introducing details of the next cycle, let’s revisit our last round’s result:

60,311 monsters were staked across 72 councils, resulting in 6,090,000,000 Energy paid out as rewards.

Genus 36, once again is the highest reward group with an incredible 3,000,000 Energy per monster.

And in the Genesis Councils, Kazerious won the crown with 545,454 Energy per monster.

2023 YEAR END STAKING POOL (4th cycle of the year)


  • Monsters can be staked in their respective pools from 7 AM UTC, 29th November to 7 AM UTC, 1st December
  • If you commit to staking your monster for the designated period, this commitment cannot be undone, as monsters can only be claimed back once the staking round has ended.
  • The Lock Period will last until the 29th of January, 2024 (60 total days)
  • After the 29th of January, 2024, users can reclaim their monsters with the same statistics as when they staked them in.


In the last cycle, a total of 1,015,213,58 energy was spent in total. This number is lower than the previous staking as players spent less energy catching monsters. The energy rewarded in PvE mode is much higher than the last cycle, totaling 5,133,411,002 Energy.

As we continue the shift towards “play&earn”, we have made the decision to keep the energy rewards the same as the previous staking rounds. The energy rewards will be set at 300,000,000 Energy for both Wild and Genesis councils. While the breeding feature has caused a reduction in the number of wild and Genesis monsters, we anticipate that the impact of this energy reward reduction will be minimal.

  • 300,000,000 Energy for Wild councils to be divided equally between 50 councils (1 for each genus group).
  • 300,000,000 Energy for Genesis councils to be divided equally between 22 councils.
  • Gemmar and Gemritter’s councils (2 promotional Genesis monsters) are two special cases, as we have only distributed a small number of these monsters. For this reason, the number of staked monsters in Gemmar and Gemritter’s councils will be raised to match those of Steinn and Steinar’s councils respectively. (Additional monsters are taken from our undistributed pool).
  • Starting from 2nd December 2023, 1/60th of the total reward pool will be claimable daily. Users can profit from immediate Energy withdrawal at any time.

Don’t waste a second and stake your monsters now to prepare yourself for the wave of thrilling new features on the horizon!


  • The rewards for future staking pools will be determined based on the real-time analysis of our game’s tokenomics.
  • Please click here to learn how to stake your monster(s)

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