Learn the best from those who went through the worst : Chris Kyle — American Sniper.

5 min readSep 16, 2014


As a NAVY SEAL, Chris Kyle went through the Iraq war. As a sniper he holds the record of 160 confirmed kill shots. But his personal duty at war was beyond the sniper’s task. In his best selling book “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History” he mentions many times how he joined the marines to help them secure houses in the deadliest place in Iraq — Falujja .In his book he writes, “…The kid looked at me with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. He was a young Marine, eager but tempered by the fight we’d been waging the past week.“Do you want to be a sniper?” I asked him. “Right now?” “Hell yeah!” he said finally. “Good,” I told him, handing over my Mk-11. “Give me your M-16. You take my sniper rifle. I’m going in the front door.” And with that, I headed over to the squad we’d been working with and told them I was helping them hit the houses.

Chris always spoke of the Marines with deep respect. He said that he never felt he was better then them but just had a chance to go through better training. That’s why he had a sense of responsibility for the guys and always wanted to help them out. He emphasized in “American Sniper,” “. . . The other Marines said I saved his life. But it wasn’t just me. Getting all those guys to safety was a joint effort; we all worked together. “Look, I’m a SEAL, you’re Marines,” I told the boys. “I’m no better than you are. The only difference between you and me is I’ve spent more time specializing and training in this than you did. Let me help you.”

He loved tactical training and was constantly open to learn new things. Combat training was a passion of his. Maybe it’s one of the reason why he was on the range that day when he was shot by a former soldier struggling from post traumatic stress. Here what he says in his book about SEAL Training: “…. When I heard how hard it was, how the instructors ran you and how less than 10 percent of the class would qualify to move on, I was impressed. Just to make it through the training, you had to be one tough motherfucker. I liked that kind of challenge.” He continues, “… we were busy the whole time, retraining and, in some cases, learning new skills. I went to a school run by FBI agents and CIA and NSA officers. They taught me how to do things like pick locks and steal cars. I loved it.”

His admiration of other people’s achievements was another remarkable quality that Kyle possessed. Several times in his book he writes about Polish Special Forces “GROM” and gives them credit for what they were doing on the battle field. “. . . the GROM were a lot like SEALs: extremely professional at work, and very hard-core parties after hours.” Then he continues, “They’re the Polish version of the Special Forces, with an excellent reputation in special operations, and they worked on the take downs with us.”

Then he praises the foreign soldier who was fighting on the American side to get his citizenship. “ We had four interpreters — terps, as we called them — who helped us deal with the locals. At least one and usually two would go out with us. One terp we all really liked was Moose. He was a bad-ass. He’d been working since the invasion in 2003. He was Jordanian, and he was the only one of the terps we gave a gun. We knew he would fight — he wanted to be an American so bad he would have died for it. Every time we got contacted, he would be out there shooting.”

Kyle’s readiness to die liberated from fear allowed him to be in the most dangerous places. The same attitude, however was devastating for his loved ones. His wife, Taya writes, “I tried to explain to him that he was irreplaceable to me. … I think he was seeing death so often that he started to believe people were replaceable. It broke my heart.” Like many other veterans Chris had his own difficulties when he tried to adapt to a normal life after his tours in Iraq. It was a tough time for him and his family. In his book he explains, “. . . I was extremely hot-headed. I have always had a temper, even before becoming a SEAL. But it was more explosive now. If someone cut me off — not a very rare occurrence in California — I could get crazy. I might try and run them off the road, or even stop and whup their ass. I had to work at calming down.”

Overall, the book is written in a very honest, authentic and patriotic manner. What are the lessons we can learn based on Kyle’s successes and mistakes:

1.Take responsibility beyond your comfort zone and you will earn respect.

2. Have high standards; treat others with respect.

3. Live to learn. Have a passion each day to study something new and if it’s combat training, there is nothing wrong with that.

4. Acknowledge other people achievements and you will make friends and will be able work as a team.

5. Set a standard in your mind about how far you’d like to go to achieve your goals. But be careful to share this with your loved ones. It could break them if they are not on the same page as you. Learn to explain things gently.

6. Be adaptable. Even if you went through the worst you can still be the best in a business field or as husband, wife or partner. Don’t give up on yourself.

7. Be honest and authentic. People sense falseness very easily. Being your real self is the most valid asset a person can posses. Your story, life, or company will really stand out if they are authentic.


“Special tools for a special job or what kind of weapon system American Sniper used in Iraq”-1 min-http://www.slideshare.net/b-cool/special-tools-for-a-special-job-or-whit-kind-of-weapon-system-american-sniper-used-in-iraq




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