A Blockchain Technology Transform Taipei Into an Asia’s Pacific First Smart City.

Blockchain Research Center (BCRC)
3 min readApr 24, 2019


The blockchain technology becoming an alternative to transform Taipei into Asia’s Pacific-first smart city. While many countries look to blockchain technology and hoping that it will bring the innovations in almost every industry to provide the underlying support for the boosting economy. In January, Taipei signed to an association arrangement with the Germany-based IOTA foundation to investigate shrewd city arrangements dependent on Tangle. IOTA depends on a conveyed record innovation called Tangle, that empowers information and cash to be exchanged by means of its system. It offers secure information and cash exchanges among machines and has been as of now connected in a great many micropayments and use cases like secure Over-the-Air Updates, straightforward esteem chains, and expense free micropayment-based electric vehicle charging, IoT, etc. IOTA is being tried in the car, assembling, and medicinal services businesses. As of late, Bosch A German hardware mammoth and driving IoT patent holder wound up one of the principal global firms to put vigorously in Particle. Volkswagen declared in January that their Boss Computerized Officer, Johann Jungwirth, is joining the Establishment’s Supervisory Board, an indication that planned coordinated efforts with Particle for the improvement of decentralized stages and keen vehicles will occur sooner rather than later.

The Taipei city government that has as of late endorsed the execution of IoT and blockchain, would have to introduce IoT sensors into the initial three floors of their city lobby building. These sensors will gauge the full dimensions of their waste receptacles continuously and through the tangle, arrange, store gathered information to a secured and sealed ledger. The local government, which is a smart city focused, has voiced designs for full structure incorporations in Taipei and will hold a future RFP to achieve this errand. This looks good for IOTA since it is at long last being put to genuine utilize implying that it can start to legitimately interface with peoples and therefore sway their regular day to day existence decidedly.

Taipei City and IOTA foundation will develop up various ways to adjust IOTA’s technology to contribute towards accomplishing the city’s objective of changing itself into a brilliant city through various ventures and realness worries in open administrations and different circles. Yichen Chu, co-founder, and President of BiiLabs, said that in view of IOTA, we have conveyed the system to set up the infrastructure to personality and accreditations, and furnish clients with reference to versatile applications and site join.

We are living in the new generation age of the internet of Things (IoT) where assets, IoT, data, and services are progressively being exchanged between machines. As associated devices keep on multiplying, the interoperability and sharing of assets everything from data, storage, to power and sensor data are an imperative piece of the machine-to-machine economy. While many looks to blockchain trusting it will be the technology to give the hidden help to the machine economy, it isn’t entirely versatile. That is the thing that the makers of IOTA needed to comprehend. Albeit otherwise called a cryptocurrency, IOTA was expected to be something considerably more yearning to be the foundation of IoT.

Rather than utilizing a blockchain, IOT depends on a distributed ledger technology called a Directed Acyclic graph (DAG), or Tangle, that empowers information and money to be exchanged through its system. Not at all like blockchain, for each exchange that is added to the Tangle, two others are approved, which implies the Tangle arrange doesn’t back off with high exchange volume. The system makes Particle equipped for taking care of extensive volumes of transactions every second.



Blockchain Research Center (BCRC)

Blockchain Research Center (BCRC) is a Californian non-profit organization dedicated to raising the awareness of advancing blockchain into industry use.