Can Blockchain Technology Helps Decentralized Internet Possible

Blockchain Research Center (BCRC)
5 min readMar 29, 2019


Is a decentralized internet possible in today world? The internet is one of the greatest inventions based on the decentralized systems ever made. Nowadays, the internet is dominated by high-tech internet service providers companies. They are system controlled who have allowed the internet to users has become a global surveillance tool. It makes the internet is a new kind of prison blockchain technology may set us free. It might be the next best thing since well regular internet with many benefits. But there is another side to this digital internet world which suggest the internet might be quietly becoming a new kind of prison, one where our lives are spied, and our personal choices are influenced in the way there were not aware. The IT tech giant’s companies like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter etc., know that the internet made personal info the most valuable commodity which does not remain anymore private for internet users. The power shouldn’t be allowed to rest in the hands of just a few companies, as experimenting with the new technologies to brings innovate and change as an alternative.

A decentralized version of the internet would rely on a peer to peer network built on a community of users. while it may be possible to operate a decentralized internet without blockchain technology. most innovators are hoping the technology proves to be the key to a functional peer-to-peer network. Decentralized internet is the idea that the web is run across several machines that are owned by regular users rather than owned in a central place like a server. Today, the internet is a mixture of decentralized and centralized networks. anyone can go create a decentralized peer to peer network that connects directly between devices, like BitTorrent. There are several ways Richard could theoretically go about building this “New Internet”. This will be the first landmark with a mesh network. The blockchain has been introduced as the technology that can help to power the next generation of the internet, the decentralized web3, or web. According to a growing number of startups tried of this form of soft control, there is needed to decentralize the internet. The decentralized internet could help to way break free from the power of the big player’s companies that control our data.

Decentralized Web?

The change from centralization to decentralization would be a noteworthy change in how data is stored and shared on the web. A decentralized internet would not utilize brought together servers. Rather, it would depend on a system of numerous PCs and generally disseminating information. Every PC goes about as a Node, contributing force and memory to an appropriated stockpiling system. The information isn’t put away in any one exclusive storehouses. Accordingly, there is no main issue to hack and no chance to get for a theocracy of substances to assume responsibility for it. The blockchain is a digital ledger which is a storehouse of all the transactions. These transactions can add as blocks are verified and validated by nodes. This information of the transactions and the blocks are not present at a central location, instead, it’s around across the system network. Thus, the information is unalterable, unchangeable and protect from tempered. This model of a shared ledger system is utilized by a blockchain’s disseminated record and is the reason blockchain could be the answer for the test of how to make a decentralized web.

Blockchain-Based Decentralized Web

If the blockchain technology is laying the foundation for the decentralized based new generation internet, would like to say, Yes. The reason behind this isn’t much simple; it has great futures which could take place of the currency system. Blockchain technology faces difficulties that could affect its utilization as a fundamental technology for the internet. At present, unique blockchains battle to speak with one another and share information. This usefulness is known as “interoperability,” which is essential for the innovation to push ahead. Presently, no single blockchain is sufficiently incredible or free enough to be a base for the whole internet. On the off chance that blockchains take care of the issue of interoperability, at that point numerous distinction chains could be interconnected and represent an answer suitable for Web3.

Be that as it may, versatility is additionally an issue. Indeed, even the most exceptional blockchains, as Ethereum, can just process a set number of exchanges every second. Ethereum can process 10– 15 transactions for each second. Until this procedures limit is limitlessly expanded it won’t be workable for any blockchain system to increase broad reception. It won’t be right to guarantee that in the present era of the internet, we have numerous advanced digital characters and with such a sign of numbers, it is hard to recall everything. With blockchain technology, we can chop this down and make a system where everything is user-driven. In contrast to the conventional internet system, blockchain technology is user-driven. We can say that blockchain is defiantly creating new business models in almost every industry. It is paying the right way for new applications, less cost of current services with more features than the current system.

Where do we see the future of the internet by BCRC? what can blockchain do to replace the future of the internet, to starter, how about imagining the world not one internet but hundreds decentralize into its own industry? We at BCRC call it blocknet, or short for PBNX where interprotocol (BNIP) to recall from one BNX to other. This creates a new world of the internet without he necessary to be in the net. BNX with interprotocol provides the necessary back bonus to interact and house the key element required to operate on its own without the dependency of mining or be on the net. Blockchain research center (Bcrc) is thrilled to announce next internet over wbs. Short to know rather than you need to be on the net to get into the internet, this will enable you to be in the BNX rather than require you to be on the net.



Blockchain Research Center (BCRC)

Blockchain Research Center (BCRC) is a Californian non-profit organization dedicated to raising the awareness of advancing blockchain into industry use.