Brian Aranda
1 min readMay 15, 2015

I was a little all over the place in my post yesterday, so today is meant to be a sanity check. I went 5 for 5 today on all of my meals. I’m still being bad about protein with my snacks, but I compensated during dinner. Also, someone offered me a fry from Five Guys today…and I said “no.” Do I win yet?

Another small win is that I’ve been trying to crack 220 lbs. for the longest time. I know we agreed not to focus on this number, but I was stoked when the scale read 219.8 lbs. Small wins people. Small wins.


  • Breakfast: 4 eggs, 2 cups spinach, 2 cups strawberries, 12 almonds
  • Snack 1: 1 apple, 6 almonds
  • Lunch: Grass-Fed Beef Shepard’s Pie (Kettlebell Kitchen: Ground grass-fed beef topped with several dollops of sweet potato and served with a side of sautéed kale)
  • Snack 2: 1 apple, 6 almonds
  • Dinner: 6oz Ground Chicken, 1 cup zucchini, 1 cup yellow squash, .5 cup corn, 12 almonds



Brian Aranda

Senior Manager, Data & Engagement | @FameHouse | Philly