Brian Aranda
2 min readMay 7, 2015

After my write up yesterday I was measuring food like a maniac. Wil reminded me to make sure I included protein in my snacks, so I picked up 1.5 pounds of pepper turkey from the grocery store, and weighed them out into 2oz portions so I can just grab them before work (more on this later). I also diced up and measured 1.25 squash, 1.25 cup zucchini, .5 cup red onion, and about 4 cups of mushrooms to have on deck throughout the week, though at the rate I’m going, I’ll probably plow through everything before then.

Side note: I feel like I’m eating a ton of food, but I think that’s just because I’m actually prepping and cooking it myself. I’m starting to realize already how much food I buy and ends up going bad, but because I’m forcing myself to prep all of these meals, every single thing is getting used. It feels great.

I also determined today that a post dinner snack is out of the question. I get out of work ~6:30pm to get to 7pm CrossFit, and by the time I get from Penn’s Landing back to West Philly, it’s damn near 9pm. I’m just finishing dinner now, and it’s 9:25pm. Having said that, I adjusted my 1st snack to be between breakfast and lunch, and my 2nd snack to be later in the day, about 2 hours before I go to workout. Today was the first day I tried this, and I felt pretty good.

Food for the day:

  • Breakfast: 4 whole eggs, .5 cup mushrooms, .5 cup red onion, 1 cup vegetable juice, 12 almonds
  • Snack 1: 2oz turkey, 1 banana, 6 almonds
  • Lunch: 2.5 cups turkey chili, 12 almonds
  • Snack 2: 2oz turkey, 1 banana, 6 almonds
  • Dinner: 5oz chicken breast (slightly over), 5 cups baby spring mix, 2 cups broccoli slaw (dry broccoli + carrots), 4 tbsps avocado, 2 tbsps dressing

I’d like to give big shoutouts to my avocados for ripening today (not sure how many more almonds I can handle) and my vegetable juice, which has held me down strong this week.

Physical activity:

Bicycle commute: 9 total miles


3x5 Bench Press @ 60%: 135lbs

17 Minute AMRAP (4 rounds + 215m row)

  • 250m row
  • 15 push ups
  • 10 kipping pull-ups (scaled 7 strict w/ blue + purple bands)
  • 10 toes-to-bar (scaled hanging knee raise)



Brian Aranda

Senior Manager, Data & Engagement | @FameHouse | Philly