Brian Aranda
2 min readMay 9, 2015

I felt bad after drinking 2 beers last night, AND forgetting a snack, so today was my day of redemption, and I feel like I smashed it. Today was my most on point day of eating so far. Everything was measured out, didn’t miss any snacks, and I still feel pretty complacent after eating dinner a few hours ago.

Here’s what I ate:

  • Breakfast: 4 eggs, 2 cups spinach, 1 cup mushrooms, 5 tbsp avocado, 1/2 glass vegetable juice.
  • Snack 1: 2oz turkey, 1 apple, 6 almonds
  • Lunch: 4oz turkey, 2.5oz mixed greens, 2 cups strawberries, 1 cup tomatoes, 5 tbsp avocado, 2 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette
  • Snack 2: 2oz turkey, 1 apple, 6 almonds
  • Dinner: 4oz cod, 2 cup spinach, 1.5 cup yellow squash, 1.5 cup zucchini, 5 tbsp avocado

Physical activity:

  • Bicycle commute: 9 miles

In yesterday’s haste, I failed to mention that I picked up some more protein. I have poultry coming out of my ears, and wanted to switch it up to keep things interesting. I’ve never cooked a piece of fish in my life, but the cod was pretty good, and I’m happy to introduce a new protein option into the mix.

So, not sure if tomorrow’s entry is going to happen. I will be at a wedding, which in my head will be a cheat day, but I’m going to do what I can to eat good foods, and not get too wild.

One thing Wil said in the class is that you’re only one meal from being back on track, so even though I’ll be celebrating tomorrow, I’m looking forward to reseting on Sunday with a solid day of food and quality physical activity.



Brian Aranda

Senior Manager, Data & Engagement | @FameHouse | Philly