1st Birthday Party Ideas — What Needs To Be Done Before The Fun Begins!

BattleHouse BdayIdeasChi
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Choosing from the best 1st birthday party ideas can be a fun yet challenging, and perhaps a little daunting of a task. If this is your first child, you want everything to be perfect, memorable, and to go off without a hitch. So, to get the most out of your baby’s first birthday, there are several aspects that you must address before you get to roll up your sleeves and let the real fun begin.

LOCATION AND SCHEDULING — First and foremost, you must decide where and when to hold the party. In this regard, you will have several options to consider. For example, you could host the party at your home where everything is easily accessible and it’s baby-proof. Another home option, if the weather permits, is to hold the party in your backyard. If that idea doesn’t float your boat, perhaps a local park, a family restaurant, or Grandma’s house would be a more suitable option.

Whichever location you select, just remember your little tyke is only going to be one and you’ll want to keep the birthday party short. An hour or two is plenty of time for all the festivities.

To ensure a smiling face and a happy disposition, it is necessary to schedule the party around your baby’s nap times. This means you could hold the party in the late morning, or late afternoon, both of which would allow sufficient time for the all-important naps. also, weekends are probably the best time to hold the party, as parents and/or guests might work during the week.

GUEST LIST — The number of guests to invite is another question that needs to be answered when thinking about your 1st Birthday Party Ideas. For the most part, you will probably want to invite relatives and special friends. Whatever you decide, just be sure you keep the number of guests, especially little ones, to a manageable number.

FIRST BIRTHDAY THEMES — Selecting a theme will make it easier for you to decide which decorations, partyware, cake design, and activities to include for your party. You can choose a theme that is based upon what you believe to be your baby’s favorite color, book, toy, shape, TV or Disney character.

Some of the all-time favorite 1st birthday party themes are:

An alphabet party that focuses on everything ABC.
A Baby Einstein birthday theme for your little brainiac
An Elmo birthday theme is always a favorite when the big red guy shows up.
A fairy party theme for your little divas.
Or perhaps a Noah’s Ark party, which is a perfect option for all your little one’s stuffed animal friends to attend, two by two, of course.
Remember, a successful party is all in the details. These all-important and sometimes overlooked 1st birthday party ideas will help you to lay a necessary foundation to insure a successful and memorable first birthday party.

