Arlington National Cemetery

Where Patriotism and Leadership Reside

Robert Dearing
4 min readMar 4, 2024
Shutterstock — Photo by David Kay

After many years of business travel in and out of our country’s largest cities, I finally had the opportunity to visit our nation’s Capital as a tourist. If you have never experienced Washington it is well worth the time and something everyone should do. From the massive architecture to the halls of Congress, the Vietnam Wall, the inspiring monuments, and educational museums there is no limit to sites to visit, learn, and enjoy. Washington is not without a solemn and reflective side as it recognizes and honors our fallen heroes. In no other place is this represented more than Arlington National Cemetery. It is truly a special place. Let me tell you about my experience.

A Sacred Sanctuary of Sacrifice

Arlington embodies the very essence of American patriotism. It stands not only as a final resting place for the brave souls who served our country but also as an emotional reminder of the sacrifices made in defense of freedom and democracy.

Arlington is Spread across 624 acres of meticulously maintained grounds. It is, however, more than just a burial site; it is a symbol of honor, reverence, and gratitude. It was established during the Civil War on the grounds of the former estate of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Arlington and has since become the premier military cemetery in the United States. It is the final resting place for over 400,000 veterans, service members, and their families. Service members from every major American war. from the Revolutionary War to today’s conflicts are buried in Arlington.

As you pass through the gates of Arlington, a deep sense of reverence washes over them. Row after row of white headstones, standing in silent tribute, stretch out as far as the eye can see. Each marker represents a life dedicated to duty, courage, and selflessness — a reminder of the unwavering commitment of those who answered the call of duty.

The Guardians of Freedom

Within the grounds of Arlington, you will find the final resting places of some of our country’s most honored heroes. From the Tomb of the Unknown where the remains of unidentified service members from past conflicts lie, to the gravesites of presidents, Medal of Honor recipients, and prominent military leaders in every corner of Arlington tells a story of sacrifice and valor. The Tomb of the Unknown has been guarded 24 hours a day 7 days a week since 1937.

A Beacon of Remembrance

The sight of American flags enhancing the graves, and the sight of uniformed service members paying their respects all serve as reminders of the price of freedom. In every blade of grass and every flag, the spirit of patriotism spreads through the air, urging visitors to honor the legacy of those who gave their all for their country.

Arlington is more than just a place of remembrance. It is a living testament to the values that define the American spirit. It is a place where visitors come to pay their respects, to reflect on the cost of freedom, and to renew their commitment to the ideals for which so many have fought and died.

Renewing the Spirit of Patriotism

Each year, millions flock to Arlington to witness the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown, to witness wreath-laying ceremonies, and to pay their respects to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. For these visitors, Arlington serves as a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the principles of liberty, democracy, and justice will always prevail.

Perhaps the most lasting legacy of Arlington lies not in its physical monuments or its storied history, but in the hearts and minds of those who visit its sacred grounds. In paying homage to the fallen, we reaffirm our shared commitment to the ideals that make America great — liberty, equality, and justice for all.

In today’s world fraught with division and discord, Arlington stands as a symbol of unity, a place where Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs come together to honor the sacrifices of the brave men and women who have defended our freedoms throughout history. It is a testament to the enduring power of patriotism — the belief that we are stronger together, bound by a common heritage and a shared destiny.

Upholding the Legacy

As you walk the grounds of Arlington never forget the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have given their lives in service to our country. May we all strive to uphold the principles for which they so valiantly fought.

A Call to Action

In the end, Arlington serves as a reminder that the true measure of our nation lies not in its wealth or power, but in the character of its people and their willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. It is a place where the legacy of patriotism lives on, inspiring future generations to carry the torch of freedom and democracy forward into the future. So let us honor the heroes of Arlington not only with our words but with our actions, ensuring that their sacrifices will never be forgotten and that their legacy will endure for generations to come.

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Robert Dearing

With 30 years of management experience, I write about everyday business situations or events. My goal is to share and strive to encourage, educate and support.