“It’s Not Just A Game”

B DeVere
2 min readDec 5, 2018


Typically we look at the Xbox, Playstation or any other gaming console and assume that it is just for entertainment, offering no real value.

Im some cases this may be true, but there can actually be value found in gaming consoles.

Recently, my daughter picked up her guitar again after a couple of years of collecting dust.

We have this game called Rocksmith. It is awesome for someone just learning to play the guitar or bass.

It is similar to Guitar Hero but allows you to plug a real guitar into the Xbox so you can actually learn how to play the song.

Not just press a colored button at the right time.

It actually teaches you to play the guitar.

The cool part of this game is how it is structured.

It takes the song you are trying to play and starts with a stripped down version.

When you master that portion, it will add additional notes and chords to the song.

This process will repeat, adding more and more parts to the song until you have mastered it.

The great thing is, it gives you feedback on your progress so that you know how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished since starting.

It teaches the importance of incremental growth.

Rather than focusing on the result of playing the entire song, the focus is on mastering each phase of the song.

Lately my daughter has been playing “Hypnotize” by System of a Down.

Which is pretty tough, especially for a beginner.

If I were to play this song for her and tell her that in 1 month she would be playing it she would probably look at me like I was crazy. She’d probably think, “No way!”

But having her focus on playing part of the song each day, now that… becomes manageable.

This is the exact same for me, if you told me that I need to lose 27lbs or write 130+ stories in the next 6 months I would have told you “yeah right”.

But… by switching my focus from result, 27lbs and 130+ stories, to daily actions of eating healthy and exercising each day or writing 1 story each day.

All the sudden it doesn’t seem so difficult. Achievable even.

This is why I subscribe so heavily to the idea that daily growth of 1% is so important.

So much so that I named a podcast after it.

The 1% Journey.

It is cool that my daughter is learning how to play the guitar, but it’s more than that.

She is learning that true growth is incremental. It doesn’t just happen overnight.

Although gaming consoles are designed for entertainment, sometimes it’s something more.


“It’s Not Just A Game”

Listen to the audio version here: https: http://bit.ly/2RyKElz

