Droidcon Kraków 2015: a Well organized conference.

Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne
2 min readDec 8, 2015


Two month ago inspired by the work of a woman named Chiu-Ki Chan , I decided to take action and become a Public Speaker. So I subscribe to her newsletter Technically Speaking.

I follow advises and tips from the newsletter. I also read the Zach Holman beautiful web site speaking.io. One month letter Droidcon Kraków accepts my call for paper about Google App Invite API for android.

The conference was organized really well. All the information were in the website and a beautiful application helps to create your agenda. The best part of the conference was meeting cool people.

Food, New Friends

The food was good :)

Breakfast like a champion
This was me against the chicken…

I met some amazing people.

Met new friends like Ivan Morgillo, Sasa Sekulic, hotchemi, Michał Tajchert, Aleksander Piotrowski

They give me great ideas, advises and some inspiration.

Words from a wise man:

Some time your community just need a spark to blow up and you can be that spark

Aleksander Piotrowski the legend.

My Talk

Really loved Poland and it community. Hope to come back soon.


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Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne

Senior Android Engineer, public speaker. Born in Africa, living in Europe. Work hard, play hard, rest hard www.developer-journey.com #HipHopLover,#TvShow addict