My 2016 speaking goals

Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne
2 min readNov 3, 2015

I am an android developer and a computer Science Student based in Italy. I decide to be part of the Technically Speaking newsletter birthday initiative. Why am I doing this ?

  1. I like to speak.
  2. I like to code.
  3. I think my career/life need more exiting experiences.

So let’s go to the best part of this story, my public speaking goals for 2016 are:

  1. Speak at least 3 times.
  2. Speak at a local,national and International Event.
  3. Create a Workshop Talk and propose it to a Tech conference.

Speak at least 3 times.

I never spoke during a Tech conference but I have some experience about public speaking:

  • I spoke for my Bachelor Degree Thesis Discussion in front of my professors, student and family.
  • I spoke in a Conference I organize myself when I was a Microsoft Student Partner.
  • I spoke sometime to present my works during competition, exams or hackatons.

I consider myself as a beginner and this year I would like to improve my public speaking skills.

Speak at a local,national and International Event.

This is about being visible in two ways: local and global. I think This is part of my Careers Growth and become more active in the Tech community.

Create a Workshop Talk and propose it to a Tech conference.

This is about being able to teach and give back. I like to explain Technical and complex stuff in simple word, so let’s try to do that this year in a public way.

Now I will take action to make all this come true.

Thanks for reading.

N E X T → Documenting My Android Adventure



Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne

Senior Android Engineer, public speaker. Born in Africa, living in Europe. Work hard, play hard, rest hard #HipHopLover,#TvShow addict