ARM7 vs ARM64: Understanding the Unity

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3 min readMar 5, 2024


In the world of mobile and embedded systems, ARM processors have long been the backbone of computing power. As technology evolves, so do the architectures and capabilities of these processors. Two prevalent architectures, ARM7 and ARM64, stand out for their significance and differences, especially in the context of Unity development. Let’s delve into the comparison to understand their implications for Unity developers.

ARM7: The Legacy Architecture

ARM7 architecture, a 32-bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture, has been a staple in the industry for decades. It has powered numerous devices, including smartphones, IoT devices, and even some older gaming consoles.

Key Characteristics of ARM7:

  1. 32-bit Architecture: ARM7 processors operate on a 32-bit instruction set, meaning they process data in 32-bit chunks.
  2. Limited Memory Addressing: Due to its 32-bit architecture, ARM7 has limitations in Memory addressing, which can restrict the amount of RAM accessible by applications.
  3. Efficiency in Legacy Systems: ARM7 architecture is efficient for running older applications and systems designed with its limitations in mind.

ARM64: The Modern Leap

ARM64, also known as ARMv8-A, is a more recent architecture introduced by ARM Holdings. It represents a significant leap forward in terms of processing power, Memory addressing capabilities, and overall efficiency.

Key Characteristics of ARM64:

  1. 64-bit Architecture: ARM64 processors utilize a 64-bit instruction set, allowing for larger Memory addressing and processing capabilities compared to ARM7.
  2. Enhanced Performance: With increased register space and wider data paths, ARM64 processors typically offer improved performance over their ARM7 counterparts.
  3. Support for Modern Applications: ARM64 architecture is well-suited for running modern applications, especially those that demand higher computational power and memory access.

Unity Development Considerations

When it comes to Unity development, choosing the right architecture can significantly impact the performance and compatibility of your applications, particularly for mobile platforms.

Optimizing for ARM7:

  • Legacy Support: If your target devices include older smartphones or embedded systems with ARM7 processors, optimizing your Unity projects for this architecture is crucial to ensure compatibility and performance.
  • Memory Management: Due to limited Memory addressing capabilities, efficient memory management becomes essential for ARM7 devices to prevent performance bottlenecks and crashes.

Leveraging ARM64:

  • Performance Boost: Unity projects optimized for ARM64 architectures can leverage the enhanced performance capabilities of modern devices, providing smoother gameplay experiences and faster loading times.
  • Memory Access: With larger Memory addressing capabilities, ARM64 architectures allow Unity applications to access more RAM, enabling the handling of larger scenes and assets.

Additional Points to Consider:


  • Energy Efficiency: ARM7 processors are often lauded for their energy efficiency, making them suitable for battery-powered devices where power consumption is a concern.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Due to their widespread adoption and relatively simple design, ARM7 processors are often more cost-effective for manufacturers, which can translate to more affordable devices for consumers.
  • Compatibility with Legacy Code: Applications and games developed for ARM7 architecture can run seamlessly on newer devices with backward compatibility, extending the lifespan of software developed for this architecture.


  • Future-Proofing: As technology advances, ARM64 architecture provides a more future-proof solution, ensuring compatibility with upcoming hardware advancements and software optimizations.
  • Multitasking and Multithreading: The wider register space and increased processing capabilities of ARM64 processors enable better multitasking and multithreading performance, allowing Unity applications to handle more complex tasks simultaneously.
  • Security Enhancements: ARM64 architecture incorporates modern security features such as hardware-based memory protection and improved cryptography algorithms, enhancing the overall security posture of devices running Unity applications.

Unity Development Considerations:

  • Target Audience: Understanding the target audience and their device specifications is crucial for choosing the appropriate architecture to optimize Unity projects effectively.
  • Performance Profiling: Utilizing performance profiling tools within Unity can help identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization specific to the targeted ARM architecture, ensuring optimal performance across different devices.
  • Testing on Multiple Devices: Testing Unity applications on a variety of devices representing different ARM architectures is essential to ensure compatibility and performance across the target platform spectrum.


In conclusion, understanding the differences between ARM7 and ARM64 architectures is vital for Unity developers aiming to create high-performance applications across various platforms. While ARM7 remains relevant for legacy systems, ARM64 offers significant advantages in terms of performance and compatibility with modern devices. By optimizing Unity projects accordingly, developers can ensure their applications run smoothly and efficiently across a wide range of hardware configurations.

