The Future of AI and Digital Product Innovation at Our Software Development Company

2 min readMay 22, 2023


Since the founding of Differential in 2013, we’ve constantly challenged ourselves to adopt the latest and greatest technology to rapidly unlock value for good people with meaningful ideas. We were early adopters of the JavaScript-everywhere movement and took early bets on Meteor.js, which propelled us into cross-platform mobile development. We adopted GraphQL right on the heels of Facebook’s release of the spec, and jumped on the React Native train to build native apps. Not to mention our dive into serverless tech and infrastructure-as-code.

This entrepreneurial mindset is baked into our DNA.

Now, we stand at the dawn of an era where AI has surged onto the global stage, presenting us with unprecedented opportunities to rapidly unlock value. We like to say that continuous improvement is our superpower. This mindset propels us to craft innovative ways of seamlessly integrating technologies, resulting in cohesive and compelling digital products.

This year, a wave of AI innovations will revolutionize many companies. Many businesses will be faced with a choice: either learn how to leverage AI or get out-innovated by companies (and new startups) who do. Our advice is this — be an early adopter and discover how these new technologies can improve your processes, products, and business.

If you’re an innovator, we’d love to connect with you and hear how your company is leveraging AI. Differential has helped category leaders leverage predictive analytics, machine learning, big data, and AI technologies to drive business results. We can help you do the same.

Reach out to elevate your business with AI.




We partner with companies to deliver product strategy, design, and software development.