What is Social Innovation?

Be 1 More
2 min readOct 10, 2016


A social innovation by definition is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions. The value created accrues primarily to society rather than to private individuals.

At our recent meeting our team of passionate innovators came together to put together packages of value that we could deliver back to the world. The emphasis on the meeting brought to awareness simply the impact one person can make.

From ideas to execution #B1More encourages, inspires and activates access to people, projects and places! How does this work exactly? Glad you asked!

From art to technology the team at #Be1More strives to connect, collaborate and create solutions for problems around the world. From sunny south Florida to South Korea, back to Georgetown University and everything in between, our team of passionate social innovators work to bring about the changes they wish to see in this world.

Operating as an Impact Incubator + Accelerator with the mission to inspire and enable social innovation around the world, we collaborate with ordinary people who find innovative solutions to society’s problems. Together we work with organizations that feature ending homelessness like Unhoused Humanity, or bringing an eco-friendly bottle light to communities living without electricity Liter of Lite, as well as the PAC , the largest medical-surgical nonprofit organization in the country, which is seen as the first choice by the private enterprises to develop their Social Responsibility Program!

Busy is an understatement! But like Marc Anthony said, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

As we continue to plant our seeds with other growing organizations involved in the tech + social entrepreneurship we prioritize our efforts to raise awareness, connect, and further enable grass-roots initiatives based on sustainability and empowerment. Over the years of combining humanitarian efforts with entrepreneurial mindsets, Be1More serves as a hub for others to make a social impact.

If you are an altruist or someone with goals of making a change in the non-profit world please feel free to contact us and let your cause be heard. We are always looking to collaborate with people inspired to make a difference and streamline strategies into success!

Please visit us today ( Be 1 More ) and let’s begin a conversation on how we can make a social innovation to help someone in need.

