Human + Machine = Learning Power: The AI Advantage in Personalized Learning Journeys

Blessing I ADEIKA
6 min readDec 11, 2023


Student personalizing his learning using AI tools on his computer

So, if you have been following or just seeing my post for the first time, I recently started writing about AI, and all the techy stuff that piques my interest. In my previous post titled: “Breaking Down AI: What’s the Hype?”, we laid the groundwork for understanding Artificial Intelligence (AI), and now it’s time to explore how this groundbreaking technology is reshaping the landscape of education.

This post is gonna be a lil bit longer than the previous

Remember the days of rote memorization (technique based on repetition — my Naija People call it la cram la pour la forget) and one-size-fits-all classrooms? Those dusty relics of the past are now being swept away by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Education is undergoing a radical transformation, and AI is at the heart of it all. In this post, we’ll explore the exciting world of personalized learning and how AI is tailoring education to individual needs, making learning more engaging and effective than ever before thereby resulting in an enriching educational experience for each learner.

The Seeds of Personalized Learning

Before we completely get ourselves submerged in the world of AI, let’s take a moment to appreciate the wisdom of some ancient scholars. As Socrates famously said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” This sentiment perfectly captures the essence of personalized learning, which emphasizes individual growth and potential over standardized curricula. Here, we recognize that the essence of learning lies in igniting curiosity and fostering individual growth.

John Dewey, a pioneer in educational philosophy, emphasized the importance of active learning or hands-on experience and tailoring education to individual needs. He believed that education should be a journey of discovery, not a passive absorption of facts. This philosophy aligns perfectly with the goals of AI-powered personalized learning platforms which bring this philosophy to life, offering interactive and personalized guidance. I have engaged in a lotta hands-on activities in my class and would say to you that John Dewey was sure right. It just gives you a better understanding of the concept you’re being taught- it sure is helpful not gonna lie.

But what exactly is personalized learning?

In a nutshell, it’s the tailoring of educational content and instruction to the unique needs, interests, and pace of each learner. This means no more one-size-fits-all approaches! Instead, personalized learning platforms use sophisticated algorithms to analyze student data, including past performance, learning styles, and strengths and weaknesses. Based on this data, the platform creates individualized learning pathways that cater to each student’s specific needs.

Drawing inspiration from Aristotle’s belief that “Education is the best provision for old age,” we will be looking into the role of AI in providing tailored learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms, powered by AI algorithms, dynamically adjust to each student’s pace and comprehension level. Imagine a classroom where the curriculum adapts to the unique needs of each learner, ensuring no one is left behind or held back. That is something that would help someone like me (I know you would agree to that yourself). We all learn and assimilate things differently and I have taught students who also have unique needs in the place of learning, having AI tailor each one’s learning experience would sure be amazing and helpful, yeah?

How AI is Transforming Education

AI is not just a slang/lingo in education; it’s a game-changer. Here are some concrete examples of how AI is revolutionizing the learning experience:

  • Adaptive learning platforms: These platforms use AI to adjust the difficulty and pace of instruction based on a student’s performance. This allows students to master concepts at their own pace, eliminating frustration and boredom.
  • AI-powered tutors: Picture having a personal tutor who adapts their teaching style based on your learning preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, who is available and can answer your questions 24/7, provide targeted feedback, and guide you through challenging concepts. AI-powered tutors are making this dream a reality, offering students personalized support whenever they need it. I strongly feel this would be helpful in classrooms as most professors might not have the luxury of time to tend to every single student’s learning style.
  • Intelligent virtual assistants: These AI-powered assistants can answer student questions, provide learning resources, and offer personalized guidance. They can act as a student’s virtual companion, helping them navigate the learning process and stay motivated.

The Impact of AI in Education: Facts and Figures

We sure know that statistics speaks louder than words and when it comes to the impact of AI in education, the numbers tell a compelling story. Here are some staggering statistics:

  • The global market for AI in education is expected to reach $6.4 billion by 2024. here
  • The global market for AI in education is expected to grow from USD 3.79 Billion in 2022 to USD 20.54 Billion in 2027 at a CAGR value of 45.6% from 2022 to 2027. here
  • 90% of educators say AI could be a Beacon for more accessible Education. here
  • 87% of the time, students using Alta- an AI-enabled learning platform achieved mastery. Of students who struggled with an assignment, 82% ultimately achieved mastery. here

The Future of Education: Human-Machine Collaboration

As AI continues to evolve, its impact on education will only become more profound. Echoing the sentiments of progressive educators, we see AI transforming education from a one-size-fits-all model to a bespoke(custom-fit) learning experience. However, it’s important to remember that AI is not meant to replace teachers. Instead, it’s meant to augment their capabilities and allow them to focus on what they do best: providing personalized support, fostering creativity, and building relationships with their students.

The future of education lies in a synergy between human intelligence and AI. By exploring and applying the power of AI, we(Learners and Instructors) can create personalized learning experiences that cater to the unique needs of each student. This will not only improve learning outcomes but also spark a lifelong love of learning that will benefit individuals and society as a whole. The use of AI in education is not a distant future dream but a present reality, shaping a generation of learners who benefit from a system that adapts to their unique needs.

So, the next time you hear the term “AI in education,” don’t be lost or scared. Embrace/accept it if you may! Consider how it can personalize your learning experience and help you reach your full potential. If you are a Professor reading this, needless to say, this would only make your work easier and you will in one way or another help your students by using AI tools in your classroom (in a controlled manner tho). The future of education is bright, and with AI by our side, it’s going to be an incredible journey.


From Socrates’ kindling of curiosity to today’s AI-driven learning platforms, the essence of education remains constant — empowering individuals on their unique learning journeys. As AI becomes an increasingly powerful tool, we stand at the precipice of a personalized and inclusive learning revolution.

Let’s embrace this human-machine collaboration and shape a brighter future of education, one where curiosity is ignited and potential is unleashed.

Now, it’s your turn! Share your thoughts on AI in education in the comments below. Are you excited for the future of learning?



Blessing I ADEIKA

Meet the AI-loving black girl, turning tech talk into fun blog adventures! Beyond the code, she's cooking up cool and helpful things with AI.