Kindle book about Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa is now available!

Saki Stray🐈‍⬛
4 min readJul 6, 2024


I have published a Kindle book, “50 questions about the DE Rantau Nomad Pass and becoming a Digital Nomad in Malaysia,” about the process from application to approval and about Malaysia.

Available on Amazon

I have also written a chronological record of the process from application to approval on this blog.

This kindle book is more detailed and answers your questions and concerns during the application process, as well as simulates life in Malaysia.

Book Overview and Table of Contents (main headings)

Food in Malaysia

This book starts from the early research stage “What kind of place is Malaysia?”. Then, it takes you step by step through the specific process of application requirements, application process, report submission, approval, travel, and the start of your life in Malaysia.

Chapter1. About Malaysia
1. How is the weather in Malaysia?
2. What is the cost of living in Malaysia?
3. Is it safe in Malaysia?
4. Is there a language barrier in Malaysia?
5. How is the food in Malaysia?
6. How does the medical system work in Malaysia?

Chapter2.Why is obtaining a DE Rantau Nomad Pass recommended?
8. Who is the DE Rauntau Nomad Pass ideal for?
9. Don’t I have to go outside Malaysia every 90 days?

Chapter3. The advantage of living in Malaysia for more than three months
10.What is a good topic to talk to the locals about?
11. Are there any festivities in Malaysia?
12. Are Malaysians very family oriented?
13. Are Malaysians open to foreigners or strangers?

Chapter4.Requirement for DE Rauntau Nomad Pass
14. What are the qualifications?
15. Should I be a freelancer?
16. How long can I stay in Malaysia with the De Rantau Nomad Pass?

Chapter5.Application Process
17. How long did it take to be approved?
18. How much does it cost?
19. Can I apply through an agent?
20. What platform is used to apply?
21. Can I apply while I am in Malaysia as a tourist?
22. Is there any interview in the process?
23. Are there any good websites or social media to get information about DE Rantau Nomad Pass?
24. Should I translate documents issued in my country?
25. Are there any requirements for the validity of the passport?

Chapter6.Job Performance Report
26. What to submit?
27. Should I get involved in business in Malaysia?
28. Should I be very successful in my current role?
29. Do they contact any of my colleagues or business partners to check?

Chapter7.Skills you will acquire by applying
30. Is it essential to have presentation skills?
31. Is it essential to have long experience in the profession?
32. If there is any miscommunication during the application, how can we overcome it?
33. Should I be very patient?

Chapter8.Process after approval to travel
34. How soon can I travel to Malaysia after approval?
35. Is there an expiration period for the approval?
36. Can I enter Malaysia as a tourist after approval?
37. Should I go to the embassy of Malaysia after approval?
38. Can I buy health insurance in Malaysia?
39. What to do after arrival in Malaysia?
40. Do I need to renew the visa after a certain period?

Chapter9.Start life in Malaysia
41. How do I find accommodations?
42. How to network in Malaysia?
43. Should I pay tax in Malaysia?
44. How can I find an excellent workplace in Malaysia?
45. What are the must-have apps to make cashless payments in Malaysia
46. Are there any other things to know before living in Malaysia?

Chapter10.About myself
47. Why did I decide to work abroad?
48. Why did I choose Malaysia as the place to work?
49. Are there any tips while waiting for approval?
50. Why am I passionate about writing my experience in e-books?

You can learn about

Climate, food, language, and cost of living in Malaysia

Detailed requirements for the De Rantau Nomad Pass

Tips on how to make your report more attractive

Specific application process and points to note

How to find housing in Malaysia Essential Living Apps

Recommended cafes and coworking spaces for work in Malaysia

Recommended for

Buildings and historical sites in Malaysia

Considering applying for DE Rantau Nomad Pass, or are you in the process of applying

Interested in nomadism and looking for a country that suits you

Interested in Malaysia

Want to work regardless of location

Want to know if you are eligible to apply

Limited Time Sale

As this is our first attempt at an English-language book, we will have a sale to celebrate its release and reach as many people as possible.

2.99 USD till 20th July 2024

4.00USD after 21st July 2024

Available on Amazon



Saki Stray🐈‍⬛

Japanese working in Malaysia, living like a local and enjoy traveling and food. I write about my experiences, culture gap, lifestyle, and thoughts.