Learn About Air Conditioners

Beantown AC
2 min readMar 22, 2018

Air conditioners are deployed and used in almost every country on Earth. It helps to save you from the unbearable summer heat and protects you from the unhealthy outdoor air. Global air pollution is increasing at an alarming rate. Hence, it is essential for you to remain indoors as much as possible, in order to save yourself from adverse health complications. Today, ACs are available at much economical prices as compared to a decade ago. By choosing an affordable air conditioning system, you can give yourself and your family a truly comfortable life.

What are the parts of Air conditioner?

While purchasing an air conditioner, you will come across two types, split system and window system. Irrespective of the type of AC you choose, every air conditioner is made up of four components.

1) Evaporator:

The basic function of this component is to collect heat from inside the room, through a refrigerant gas. Here, the liquid refrigerant absorbs heat and evaporates to turn into gas.

2) Compressor:

This component is responsible for compressing the gaseous refrigerant. This is an outdoor unit, which means, it is located outside the room.

3) Condenser:

It is responsible for receiving the vaporized refrigerant from the compressor and converting it back to liquid and then transferring the heat outside.

4) Expansion Valve:

The main function of this valve is to keep a tab on the quantity of refrigerant moving towards the evaporator.

How ACs work?

Air conditioners collect hot air from the outside air, and then it processes it within itself with the assistance of coils and refrigerants and releases cool air. Many people believe that ACs work like magic devices. However, the reality is that, ACs effectively makes use of some physical and chemical processes to cool a particular place. Thermostats which are installed inside the system, constantly monitors the room temperature and adjusts according to the user’s desired temperature. At first, warm air is pulled in through the grille installed at the base of indoor unit, followed by the following processes:

1) The liquid present in the refrigerant absorbs the heat

2) Now the air reaches the evaporator coil

3) The hot refrigerant gas reaches the compressor

4) Now the condenser condenses the hot gas and turns it into liquid state

These technologically complex processes get repeated over and over again, so that you can experience a constant flow of cool air. Today ACs have become an integral part of lives and in the coming years the demand for these appliances will only increase.



Beantown AC

Beantown AC has been catering its clients of south shore and cape areas since 2005. We are dedicated in fixing and installing heating and cooling systems.