I Don’t Care If You Read This…

Bunny Henningsen
2 min readOct 3, 2016

Really, I don’t.

I have written a few stories on Medium and of course… hardly anyone reads them. I kinda suck at it right now.

I had to decide why I’m here. Why do I even bother?

I”m not hip. Not part of the cool crowd. I’m not a millennial or a Generation X. I guess if you need to fit me into a similar category… I”m a baby boomer.

Moderate politically (if it makes sense it sits), grew up in the hippy movement and moved into adult hood during the disco era.

I grew up without computers, internet, calculators, cordless phones and color TV. That’s just a start. Why do you think we did so many drugs? Nothing much else to do to color our world.

But back to why I’m here. I had to really think about it. Especially since no one really reads what I write. (If you are here, thank you.)

When I was in my teens and young adult years… there weren’t too many things you could do to show you existed. Get good grades, be a great athlete, or just be one of the cool kids in your group. Even that would only last during high school. But those would get you noticed. It was all so close. Just the people you could see. There wasn’t any other way to stand out from the crowd unless you streaked across a largely populated area. Otherwise, you just melded into the crowd.

Then add on the numerous years of your job… disappearing into a cubical. It was all the same; getting married, having kids, struggling with…



Bunny Henningsen

Boomer still in learning mode. So much life behind me and so many lessons ahead.