Short Story #2: 3121: Part Two

Sam awakes in a strange place, the fate of his sister still unknown

BearToon Studios
3 min readJan 18, 2020


The pounding of my brain against my skull awoke me as I dreamily began to open my eyes to the sound of small tickling sound. I reached up to rub my temples and felt a sharp pain. My head was wet with blood, my long wavy hair now soaked in it. As I fully awoke, I began to hear distant whispers. My eyes were still blurry from the raging migraine, but I managed to barely make out the dark figure of a plump-bellied man in the right-hand corner of the room. The room was small and cold, or maybe that was the chill of losing blood. I realized they had cuffed me to an uncomfortable chair that was nailed to the concrete floor.

The man stepped forward out of the darkness to reveal his aged face and white hair. If I had seen under better circumstances, I would have mistaken him for the kind sort of man that shared stories of his childhood to numerous grandchildren. But as I looked upon his face, I could see the danger in his piercing green eyes, how the years had made him cold and hard, and the way his flurried eyebrows revealed the falseness of his kind stature. He seemed the type to believe himself to be omnipotent, even though his age revealed his frailty.

“You caused quite an ordeal for me, Sam. That is your name, isn’t it?”



BearToon Studios

This two time award-winning studio, is owned by Daniel Flint. BearToon Studios is an independently lgbt-owned studio committed to excellence.