Mastering D&D Online

A gamer’s perspective

3 min readApr 25, 2020
Artwork created by Leonardo Borazio

My character’s name is Symphony and she is a Tiefling Druid, Circle of the Moon. This is my first time playing a Druid, and I knew going in that it was going to be awesome (Spellcasting, Circle of the Moon, Wild Shape!) but it is also a lot to keep track of.

Moving our campaign online actually turned out to benefit my ability to play for multiple reasons- I learned how to stay more organized with my spells, know their details immediately, keep up with Wild Shape and have quick access to any of this whether in Roll20 or in our hangouts call.

How did I do that? You may ask. I used a note taking app I found for online learning and applied it to D&D. Yes, turns out that this app is actually perfect for turning into a Giant Spider and killing mefits in underground caves in my world called Yazelion. Who knew?

First, I downloaded my character sheet and 5e Player’s Handbook as editable PDF, and then I opened up Beastnotes, made a Course called D&D, and titled my new course chapter after my campaign, Yazelion.

If you want, you can actually just take a real look at my notes by searching Dungeons and Dragons here.

Then I literally keyed in my spells into a Spellcasting note and all my Wild Shape options in a Wild Shape note. I have Game Notes for each time we play (so I can remember if I have pocket bacon or what the inn-keeper’s name is), and I have a run down of my character sheet there as well.

How I play D&D online

I’m actually in two campaigns, so I have another character (Wood Elf, Rogue/Warlock) and all of her information is now under another chapter in Beastnotes I titled after this campaign.

I imagine this could be useful for anyone who has a lot to remember about their characters or even any Dungeon Masters out there. So I decided to set up a template if you want to try it out- I deleted all my notes and left room for you to leave yours, you can check it out when you create a notebook.

A D&D template for creating a new notebook

It’s best to start on the website and then download the chrome extension so you can have quick access when you play.

I wonder how else I can use Beastnotes as an advantage in gaming…

Are there other games are you applying Beastnotes to master? Tell us more at and we’ll help you build templates!

