Germany’s Fittest City

2 min readMay 16, 2019


It’s time for another challenge on the BEAT App! This time BEAT is looking for the fittest city of Germany. In preparation for this, the MySports GmbH conducted a detailed research:

The study looked into the correlation between available infrastructure and interest in physical activities. Besides the individual motivation and the ambition to improve, there need to be sports grounds, organized sport clubs and gyms within reasonable distance for people to stay active. The research shows which parts of Germany show little interest in activities such as yoga, cross fit, personal training, swimming, weight training and general gym activities. This combination of data is what helped us determine the fittest city of Germany within this research.

for more details visit

Conducting this study, MySports found Duisburg to be the city with the most active citizens and Hessen to be the state with the biggest interest in sport!

Because the goal of the BEAT App is to motivate people to be more active, we want to see the impact our app has on the daily lives of people and how active they are. For that reason we have decided to offer the “Germany’s Fittest City”-Challenge and 100,000 BEAT as a reward for the winning city! The Challenge will run until the 26th of July and the city with overall the most steps will win.

You can find the challenge within the BEAT App!

You want to prove to us that your city is more active than Duisburg? Prove it! Win the challenge and receive your reward. Engage your friends and family and win together! Simply accept it within the challenge section of your BEAT App and be active. This offer does not interfere with the MySports Offer. You can accept both at the same time!

Intermediate results will be posted once per week on Medium and shared via Twitter, Discord and Telegram.

You’re not living in Germany but want to take part in this Challenge? Don’t worry, we’re planning a world-wide Challenge of a similar format that will launch soon!

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