Launching the BEAT App

3 min readMay 13, 2019


We are ready to share the result of many months worth of development with you. The BEAT App is the first entry into our ecosystem and aims to bring BEAT to everyone who loves to do sport! It marks a very important milestone in the roadmap of our vision.

Get fit with BEAT

Using the BEAT App you are able to get rewards for your fitness activity. Starting off, the app comes with a barebones system that acts as a Proof of Concept for the use case of our entire ecosystem. This PoC revolves around the ability to take on Challenges in order to get BEAT rewards.

As laid out in the original BEAT Whitepaper, the MySports GmbH will be the first Challenge Provider for the App. Just accept the Challenge within the app and you are ready to go! The MySports Challenge gives you the opportunity to earn BEAT for each step you take during the day. Because first and foremost we want to focus on growing our user base, it is not restricted to any country or gym. Later down the road the challenges will be able to be more complex, differentiate between more data sets and give out rewards other than BEAT.

Climb up the leaderboard and earn even more rewards!

In order to reward the most active users of our app, we have implemented a progression system that enables you to level up and receive more rewards the higher your level is. We are very proud of our early members and are sure they will rank up the levels fast!

In order to inspire competition, we have also added a high score leader board that shows you the top members globally as well as from your country.

Add your friends and compete

Find your friends through the App and follow them. You can check up on your friends in the social tab and compare your activity with theirs.

What’s coming next?

Of course the app launch is just the start. We will continue to work on the app and improve it with each update. Here’s our roadmap to give you an idea of what we envision for the App:

  • Initial bug fixes
  • UX improvements
  • Branded Challenges
  • Community Challenges
  • Further integration into the BEAT ecosystem

As you can see we have quite a few things planned for the App. These ideas already include some great features that were suggested by the community, which we highly appreciate. User feedback is a key factor for improving the usability of our ecosystem. Please consider joining our Discord server to discuss relevant topics and give us feedback.

Within our Discord server we have created a new channel for feature requests, in which you can propose features and vote which ones you want to see implemented the most!

Get the latest updates and stay tuned by following us on:







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