Affitrum is a revolutionary digital advertising project that leverages Web3

4 min readJul 19, 2023


What is AffiTrum

Affitrum is a progressive computerized publicizing project that use Web3 advancements to address the current difficulties in the promoting industry.The project plans to kill misrepresentation, upgrade client security, and give fair remuneration to all partners included. Go along with us in this noteworthy excursion as we reshape the eventual fate of computerized promoting.

In the present advanced promoting scene, concentrated stages have cornered client information, prompting protection concerns and unjustifiable income dissemination among content makers. Our undertaking plans to rock the boat by building an artificial intelligence Calculation and Web 3-based publicizing stage that guarantee straightforwardness, effectiveness, and client power. By utilizing blockchain innovation, the stage will empower fair pay for content makers and cultivate direct collaboration among promoters and customers.

Affitrum is a progressive computerized publicizing project that use simulated intelligence Calculation and Web3 innovations to address the current difficulties in the promoting business. The venture expects to wipe out extortion, upgrade client security, and give fair pay to all partners included. Go along with us in this noteworthy excursion as we reshape the fate of computerized publicizing.

Affitrum Blockchain will use on blockchain as the basic innovation to record all promoting exchanges safely and permanently. By using a conveyed record, the stage can guarantee straightforwardness, forestall information control, and give an evident review trail of all promoting exercises.

This blockchain is equipped for taking care of all promotion settlements in Affitrum tokens among Distributers and Sponsors in the advanced world. The Affitrum dPoS blockchain layer is utilized to move esteem among sponsors and distributers.

There are a lot of advantages that come from holding an AFFI/TRUM token. Partake in a genuine Web3 promoting economy and affect the DAO-represented promotion industry.

The principal highlights of the Affitrum Blockchain can be summed up as follows:

Designated Evidence of Stake as a block agreement component to decrease network support costs

Little record and exchange identifiers, decreased exchange set, and equal handling of exchanges to work with high exchange volumes (>100 kHz coordinated exchanges, >1 MHz one-to-numerous exchanges).

Hubs are intensely punished for twofold spends so most exchanges can be relied upon in a split second.

a little arrangement of celebrity hubs liable for network honesty to work with the fuse of slow hubs with diminished exchange handling capacities.

The hash of all records is essential for the block, empowering moment synchronization with the blockchain.

A various leveled association of records and hubs is prepared to work with KYC, AML, eID supply, and administration.

Fluid marking compensations to account holders and hub supervisors to help the development of the economy of the Advertisements environment.

Affitrum DAO

The Affitrum group planned an administration framework for the Affitrum DAO, a decentralized independent association (DAO) represented by token holders. Token holders in the Affitrum DAO venture will have a voice in administration choices. Its will probably control where the item goes and how it advances. Token holders will control the environment’s basic elements and settle on its most significant strategies through a public administration module made by Affitrium network Chamber

Affitrum DAO Committee

With additional organizations joining the Affitrum environment, we want to construct a completely decentralized AdTech framework represented by the Affitrum DAO. To accomplish this, on the following phase of DAO improvement, we intend to lay out a chamber of limited number of individuals. Those individuals will come from the center group, the local area and the most elaborate organizations in the environment.
The Board’s discussions and votes will occur on the Affitrum Virtual entertainment pages.

$AFFI Marking

We Sent off marking of $AFFI tokens to empower the concentrated of holding $AFFI tokens for long time. $AFFI holders can stake the token in AFFI marking pool to procure rewards.

The following are the marking data

Stakeable token: $AFFI
Procuring token: $AFFI
Least Stake: 150 $AFFI Tokens
Most extreme Stake: No Restriction
Reward (APY): ~180% (yearly)
Can Intensify Prizes: Yes. (Collect and Once again Compound)
Capital Lock: No lock span.
Asserting Lock: 10 minutes after each case.

Directions TO STAKE

To start, Go to the marking page, interface your wallet, enter the stake sum, endorse, and begin marking.

Your $AFFI prizes will aggregate in the “Tradable Equilibrium” region. You can guarantee it like clockwork. To guarantee, basically click the “Guarantee” button, all unclaimed tokens will be shipped off your wallet.
On the off chance that you don’t wish to stake any longer, click the “Pull out” button and pull out your chief sum.

Contract: 0xdd839b26B9d5c10b8744832192EF9971300Ee4BA
Decimal: 6
All out supply: 100,000,000 $AFFI
Airdrop — 40% (40,000,000 $AFFI)
Confidential Deal — 0.5% (500,000 $AFFI)
Liquidity and CEX Postings! — 19.5% (19,500,000 $AFFI)
Consume — 24% (24,000,000 $AFFI)
Prizes to Holders — 16% (16,000,000 $AFFI)

information visit:








BTT Username: BEAT123

BTT Profile Link:;u=2740768

Telegram Username: @Beat111

Discord Profile Link ; BEAT123#5649

wallet Address: 0xf2a70BAb5bBF6E6564cBd7B87FCFE33B4D45f14A

Participated Campaigns: Artikel

