Linux: From Basement Burner to Almost-Cool Cousin

Johnathon M. Horner
3 min readApr 11, 2024
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Remember that awkward kid in middle school who wore mismatched socks and carried a Rubik’s Cube everywhere? The one who everyone assumed lived in their parents’ basement solving complex algorithms for fun? That, my friends, was Linux. But guess what? That awkward kid just got a gym membership and learned to do a sick skateboard trick. That’s right, Linux is having a moment, a teeny tiny, niche moment, but a moment nonetheless!

Sure, with a whole 4% desktop market share, Linux might not be dethroning Windows anytime soon, but here’s the thing: that 4% is growing, and it’s growing for a reason. Let’s face it, Windows is like that clingy ex who keeps leaving passive-aggressive messages on your voicemail, and Mac? Well, Mac is the cool kid who only talks to you if you’re wearing the right brand of jeans. Linux, on the other hand, is the friend who’ll help you build a killer gaming PC, troubleshoot your internet connection at 3 AM, and never judge you for your questionable fashion choices.

Here’s why you, yes YOU, should ditch the drama of Windows and the elitism of Mac and join the Linux revolution:

1. Freedom! Linux is open-source, which basically means it’s like a choose-your-own-adventure book for your computer. Don’t like the way something works? Change it! Want your desktop to look like a neon-lit Tokyo street at night? You can do that! In the world of Windows and Mac, you’re stuck with what they give you, like a cafeteria with only mystery meat on the menu.

2. Security Blanket: Unfortunately, the internet is a scary place. With Linux, you get built-in security features that make your computer a fortress against online nasties. Think of it as a digital suit of armor forged from the fires of open-source collaboration. Windows? More like a cardboard box with “Beware of Virus” scrawled on it in crayon.

3. The Customization Craze: Remember those Lisa Frank trapper keepers you plastered with stickers in elementary school? Linux lets you customize your computer experience to the same level. Want a different window manager? Done. A wacky new desktop theme? Go for it! With Windows and Mac, you’re stuck with the same old, same old, unless you count that weird font you downloaded in college.

4. The Price is Right (Free!): The cost of some tech these days is enough to make your wallet cry. Linux? It’s completely free! That’s right, you can ditch the hefty software license fees and upgrade your computer experience without blowing your entire paycheck. With Windows and Mac, you’re basically paying for the privilege of using their logo as a status symbol (which, let’s be real, screams “basic” these days).

5. The Community of the Cooler Kids: The Linux community is like that group of friends who are always down to help you fix your car, explain complex physics concepts, and then launch into a heated debate about the merits of different pizza toppings. They’re passionate, knowledgeable, and always willing to lend a hand (or a line of code). The Windows and Mac communities? More like a bunch of people arguing about which brand of overpriced headphones is “better.”

So, there you have it. Linux: the fun, free, and secure alternative to the status quo. Is it perfect? No, of course not. But it’s growing, it’s evolving, and it’s definitely not your parents’ basement dweller anymore. So, ditch the drama, the expense, and the limitations, and give Linux a try. You might just surprise yourself with how cool that awkward kid from middle school actually became.



Johnathon M. Horner

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