Hey there, my name’s beatstar. I’m a fella who has been on the internet for a long time, likes to make content, and collaborate with others.

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I started using this name in 2008. The origin of my name derives from a hip-hop producing duo from St. Louis called “the Beatstaz”! Sometimes people call me “Beat” to make it short. I’ve been playing video games since I was a kid and I unironically think video games are the future, art, and worth your time as long as you’re having fun.

Speaking of which, I volunteer in Outreach for the Vidya Gaem Awards, a show that was established in 2011 as a response to industry-funded and voted award shows. It's a noncommercial project and we do it for the love of the community. I was among the people who helped reboot the project in 2013 and was a producer on the project for a number of years before stepping down from the role. However, I am still very active in other respects on the show, and continue to contribute in the field of writing, video editing, and voice acting.

I also manage the stream for one of the largest online music festival on Twitch by number of acts, Funny Rave. The show was founded in 2020 during the pandemic and has been growing strong ever since.

I am not affiliated with the ”Beatstar” game, a game released by Space Ape Games in late 2020 (even though they showed me a preview of the game). I am also not affiliated with “Beatstars”, a music platform founded in 2010 by Abe Batshon. I like both of these entities though, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Thanks for checking out my About Me page. I hope you’ve learned something more about me today!

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