Conservation and Climate: A Dan Kraker Story

Nicholas Beattie
2 min readJan 23, 2017


After reading through some of Dan’s work, I find myself wanting to pursue these topics of discussion as a career. I have a passion for the environment and I want to educate people about it through photography and film. The world has some very influential environmentalists who have shared their knowledge with the general public to help develop a sense of knowledge about the environment. There are also people who still don’t know enough about the environment or have experienced the outdoors enough to really have a love for it and wanting to protect it. I want to reach those kind of people. The ones who just haven’t been taught or haven’t seen the beauty out there. I really respect what Dan has reported in many ways.

From the stories I read from Dan and from the articles Dan shared with us that had inspired him, it seems that his genre of reporting is more on the conservation and climate awareness side of journalism. Now, he may have other reports that are of different genres, but the theme I am seeing is conservation. I was really engaged reading and listening to his reports. Maybe because I have such a connection with Minnesota and Lake Superior.

I have had some knowledge about invasive species and vague climate change topics with a few of my Environmental and Outdoor Education classes, but I never really knew how Lake Superior was directly impacted by it. The rise in average temperature’s in Minnesota that Dan had mentioned in one of his reports was news to me. Now, I knew that there was a rise in temperatures over a long period of time, but I didn’t know the exact numbers. This right here is what I am talking about when I said educating others about the current environmental impacts we aren’t directly aware of. I learned something in reading Dan’s reports and now I want to do something about it. You have to know the problem before you can fix it.

It will be great to hear from Dan himself about these issues. How he prepares for these reports will be great to find out. I really like how he doesn’t advocate, he educates. I believe that is really important when talking about these topics.

