It’s Okay To Be Alone

Beautiful Essence 🦋
3 min readJun 25, 2023


There I said it … No matter how difficult it seems or how boring it may be. Sitting with yourself can bring you ultimate peace.

Often times we find ourselves in search of companionship — rather it be in person, a talk over the phone, public events or even social media (just to name a few). No matter what the reason may be — [out of habit] some may feel they just can’t go on without it.

“I wonder what so and so is doing ?” .. “I should call Cindy Lou Who — we haven’t talked in years”.

Conscious or Unconsciously reaching for our phone to make that call or to end up endlessly strolling social media to see what there is to do.

We’ve all had that moment in time where there was a ginormous amount of silence with nothing to do and/or no one around.. Whats it called again ?! .. ahhh , yes ! BOREDOM — it strikes again.

Introvert or Extrovert ;

It is in our human nature to thrive and develop in the midst of companionship no matter the way in which it comes. [Genesis 2:18 — goes : The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”].

It is important to realize that this yearning can affect us both positively and negatively. Depending on the way in which we go about it.

Positively Speaking:

Companionship can add things to your life such as joy, a peace of mind, sense of belonging, boost in confidence, promotes better mental health, and can even help in creating routines.

Negatively Speaking:

Being overly dependent upon said Companionship can lead to things like self doubt, lack of self care, envy, competitiveness, overspending, people pleasing, codependency, stress and other forms of mental health issues like anxiety or depression.

If the latter paragraph applies to you..

AGAIN, I’ll say this .. IT IS OKAY to be alone !!!

How so [you could be asking]?! Stick around ! We’ll get to it. No I’m not saying alone is what one should always be but I am saying that taking those infamous moments of time and/or quietness in which I spoke on earlier to sit and be with yourself can be very beneficial.

Its a thing called life balance. Yin and Yang one may say !

Sometimes being on a search for the love, peace, happiness and acceptance we so deeply desire from another we lose sight of that which already lies within us..

In order to love and to be loved properly you must first be content within loving yourself..

Flaws and all ! No not the watered down, egotistical, entitled version of self love — but the Love that transcends seeking outward validations or the need to be with someone else.

Which is the true ESSENCE of ones self (seeing yourself in the way that God the Creator, The Universe, The Big Guy, Higher Self etc sees you).

A Perfectly Imperfect YOU !!!




Beautiful Essence 🦋

Upcoming Blogger Writer Spiritualist Creator Of Creative Arts Graphic Designer Empath CareGiver Nurse Conversationalist Debater