Hair types and how to care for them correctly

9 min readJun 26, 2023


Do you know all the types of hair that exist? Would you know which one is yours? And most importantly: do you know how to take care of it correctly so that it looks clean and shiny at all times? Pay attention, because in this article we are going to show you the different types of hair that exist and how they differ.

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Hair types: how many kinds are there?

There is no doubt that hair is one of our most precious personal assets. For this reason, we love taking care of him and dedicating all the pampering that is necessary to him. But it is not always enough to apply a good shampoo and conditioner .

The key to showing off healthy and soft hair is knowing it perfectly. Only then can you apply the products that are necessary and the correct treatment that you need.

There are, as a general rule, four types of hair . They are the following:

  • Straight/straight hair or type one.
  • Wavy hair or type two.
  • Curly or type three.
  • Crespo (very curly) or type four.

Each of them is divided into four subcategories . Later we see them all in detail!

The first thing we should know is that, regardless of the type of hair we have, our hair can be oily , dry , dyed or with highlights , so choosing the right products for those characteristics is also essential to show it off perfectly. By the way, are you more into balayage highlights or babylights ? Enter our post and discover which look can suit you best according to your hair type.

Knowing the right products for different types of hair is essential to wear it perfectly every day.

And although it is true that on an aesthetic level no type of hair is better than another , the truth is that the characteristics of each one define its pros and cons. For example, straight hair is very fine, has less keratin and is therefore weaker and more sensitive to loss .

For its part, curly hair usually tends to be drier . That is why it needs more care such as better hydration or combing it with care (especially when it is wet).

Next, we analyze in detail the different styles and types of hair that exist, as well as the particularities of each one to take care of them correctly.

Types of straight or straight hair

Straight or straight hair is the most common in Europe and generally tends to look a little less voluminous than, for example, wavy hair. Points in its favor: it is the most resistant and the brightest (light reflects better on it). Point against: it usually seems thin and thin.

There are three types of straight hair:

Type 1A hair

We start the review of straight hair types with 1A. It is the easiest to recognize because it is the finest of all. It is thin and not bulky, with a tendency to be greasy and stick to the head.

Type 1B hair

Thicker than the previous one, with more body and enough volume. For this type of hair, it is recommended to use a moisturizing mask when washing, which will help you avoid breaking it when untangling.

Type 1C hair

To close the straight hair styles would be the 1C. It is somewhat more resistant and thick, which means that it curls easily. Very difficult to mold.

How to care for different types of straight hair

To properly care for your straight hair, we recommend, as a basic rule, to wash it almost daily to avoid excess sebum and, preferably, with a light shampoo . In this case, it is not a good idea to treat it with shampoos that are too nutritious, since they tend to add weight to the hair fiber and accentuate the lack of body. Our Gold Protein moisturizing shampoo for fine hair will leave your hair silky, soft and bouncy.

Another tip : dry it first upside down and then lifting the roots section by section. You will get less frizz and it will be smoother than usual.

What kind of hairstyles work best with straight hair? Above all, the collected ones and the braids . Also try cascading hairstyles to create movement effects.

Wavy hair types

If you don’t have “neither straight nor curly” hair, you have it wavy . And, based on the type and extent of your wave, wavy hair generally falls into three categories. This is one of the most common types of hair and one of the ones that offers us the most possibilities when it comes to creating different looks .

Type 2A hair

From the roots to around eye level, 2A wavy hair is mostly straight, but then it becomes slightly wavy to the ends . It has a fine thickness.

Type 2B hair

Very similar to type 2A, with the difference that it has a slightly more defined wave in the shape of an ‘S’. It has an intermediate thickness. Type 2b hair is a type of hair that requires a lot of care . Later we give you some keys to know how to care for it correctly.

Type 2C hair

They are the best defined waves and usually start at the crown of the head. It is the thickest of the three wavy hair types and is easy to frizz in humid environments.

How to care for and maintain wavy hair

The key, once again, to maintaining soft and healthy wavy hair is washing. Here we recommend washing it every two days . This will be more than enough to keep it clean and, therefore, easier to shape. There are specific products for washing wavy hair, both shampoo and conditioner.

Another important point is the way to wash wavy hair. The fundamental thing is to rub the entire scalp well and rinse the products completely so as not to leave any residue.

Both for those women who have wavy hair and for those who need a treatment to reduce the frizz of their hair, at Tahe we have a complete line to end hair frizz: Miracle Gold . Give it a try and tell us how it worked for you!

curly hair types

Curly hair, in most cases, is voluminous but more prone to damage , resulting in more damaged hair .

Although it may not seem like it, there are many types of curls . In fact, we must differentiate between curly hair (3) and very curly hair (4), which we will see below.

For now, we are going to discuss curly hair, which can also be divided into three subcategories.

Type 3A hair

It is distinguished by forming loose loops in the shape of an ‘S’. As a general rule, they are thick curls. Maintaining and styling this type of curly hair is not very difficult due to the size of the curls. As a key tip, it is preferable to use a separate bristle comb with damp hair and apply any of the Tahe creams from the Magic Rizos line.

Type 3B hair

They are the most outstanding curls and envied by the majority. Their slightly narrower, spiral shape and the fact that they are neither too thick nor too thin give them a very natural look . And because of that, they are often preferred by many celebrities . To maintain their distinctive spiral-shaped look, they generally require moisture, especially if you have high porosity or colored hair.

Bonus Tip : Avoid silicones and sulfates in shampoos, conditioners, and hairsprays.

Type 3C hair

If you have thick, coarse, corkscrew curls, you have 3C curly hair type. It is very bulky. As in the previous case, to take care of it, do not use shampoos with sulfates , since they dry the hair. It is recommended to use a moisturizing shampoo and leave-in conditioner . Let the hair dry naturally.

How to care for curly hair types

We have already given you some keys to take care of each of the types of curly hair. But a common routine among those with curly hair is the Curly Girl Method . If you want to know it in depth, read this entry from our blog .

And if what you are looking for is to straighten your hair, here we give you all the tips to leave it smooth as silk .

If you are looking for a product that works both to straighten your hair and to activate the curl, try Magic Duo , one of the star products of Tahe Magic Curls. You’ll love it!

Classes or types of very curly hair

One of the less common types of hair is considered very curly, also called kinky or afro . It has a zigzag shape. Although at first glance it may seem thick, the truth is that it is the most fragile and dry of all types of hair, so it needs more care than the previous ones. By retaining less moisture, more emphasis must be placed on hydration routines although (be careful!) You should not wash often with shampoo .

Type 4A hair

It is a very voluminous type of hair, well rolled from the roots and with a spiral wave. Its shape is slightly defined. It is very delicate and susceptible to damage . For its care, we recommend using once a week a deep conditioning mask with proteins such as the restructuring treatment of the hair fiber Protein Treatment Magic Rizos .

Type 4B hair

Tightly coiled, wavy S-shaped hair that can be a bit finer, dense and sometimes brittle. For this kind of hair, the ideal is to apply the Shingling method that will help you define and accentuate the texture of the curls. Simply detangle damp hair with your fingertips after applying a combination of leave-in conditioner, styling cream and gel . If you do it correctly, the definition will last you almost a week.

Also Read: How To Use Dry Shampoo

4C type hair

Within the curly hair types, it is the most fragile of the three and has no definition or curls. He is completely afro . He tends to snap easily if not carefully cared for. It is advisable to untangle it with your fingers and thick-toothed combs to avoid fracturing the strand. The key to its maintenance is to hydrate it frequently (for example with leave-in conditioners or applying deep hydration) and under no circumstances use shampoos with sulfates. Here are 5 sulfate-free shampoos that can help you.

Hair types and how to care for them: conclusions

As you can see, there are many types and styles of hair and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish which one is ours. And which is better?, you ask. Well, the answer is simple: within the types of hair that exist, there is no one better than another. Each one has its particularities and differences . The important thing is to know how to get the most out of it and take care of it as it deserves .

In any case, if you need help to recognize your type of hair or you want more advice to take care of it as it deserves, do not hesitate: get in touch with our team of specialists through our usual channels.

At Tahe we also recommend that you always consult your trusted hairdresser or hairdresser so that they can carry out a complete diagnosis of your hair and advise you on the best care and treatments.

And if you have problems related to hair loss, remember that there are different aesthetic solutions, such as the FUE Hair Graft Technique , which allows you to recover hair through a minimally invasive and highly effective treatment .

