Satoshi. Seed The World with Bitcoin

5 min readDec 2, 2015

Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, left us with a fantastic tool to change how everything is done in finance. When he created Bitcoin, a large number of them were kept by him. Its easy to understand how this happened. Would Bitcoin take off? Would the Bitcoin ever be worth anything? There was no way of knowing in advance. Others had tried in the past to solve the problem of how to make an electronic money and failed. In all probability, this attempt would have fail also, and the bitcoin in his wallet end up being worthless.

But it Bitcoin didn't fail. Bitcoin succeeded.

Now we know for certain that Bitcoin, both as a novel and stable form of programmable money, and a programmable contract system, is worth literally trillions of dollars. Getting this new money and platform into the hands of as many people as possible as quickly as possible has to be the goal; the more Bitcoin users there are, the bigger the ecosystem becomes, the more platforms and uses are developed, and the faster the transformation happens. The faster the transformation happens, the more likely it is that we get to set the rules and standards by which this new economy is governed.

With our project Azteco, we've created the easiest way of getting Bitcoin, using a simple and familiar 16 digit redeemable code system. These codes can be printed by any device, from generic computer hardware to the most modern POS systems. A vendor could even choose not to print them at all, and dictate them to the customer. The Azteco Vendor System can run anywhere, just like the MPESA vendors in Kenya run from wooden shacks, but unlike MPESA, which is a country specific locked in fiat system, Azteco sells access to Bitcoin, giving everyone a door to global e-commerce and its fluid, unrestricted facilities. Azteco users don’t need to own a smartphone or a computer. All they need is an Azteco Voucher.

We’ve been hard at work doing the final decentralization development so that each of our vendors no longer shares a single hardware platform, but now has their own dedicated server. Next in our roll out will be the opening of our first vendors on this new platform, and bearing this in mind, we have a bold proposition for you Mr. Nakamoto.

Give us your Bitcoin… For great justice!

If you give us access to your huge store of Bitcoin, we can disburse and diffuse it to the demographic that need it most in a fine grained way, so that a large number of different groups get to own Bitcoin. We do not need it all at once; we only need it in very small tranches the size of which can grow with the number of outlets we put on stream.

Releasing your Bitcoin into the market in this slow and deliberate and diffuse way will remove the risk of market shocks and a backlash. Everyone will know that your Bitcoin will not suddenly flood the market, crashing the price. It will also increase the demand for Bitcoin services and encourage more retailers to accept it. Right now, Bitcoin is in the hands of a very narrow demographic, and its movement is not as fluid at it could be. When a new demographic comes on board who need to actually use Bitcoin rather than store it as a speculation vehicle, the dynamic will change. Bitcoin will start to behave even more like money, and will begin to fulfil its global potential.

That is our proposal in a nutshell, Satoshi. Allow us to Johnny Appleseed your Bitcoin into the un-banked world. Sitting on an enormous cache of Bitcoin can only serve one purpose; to protect the price in the market. That Bitcoin would be far more useful were it in motion, circulating in the hands of everyone with even the smallest need for it.

You do not have to contact us to agree to our audacious proposal. All you have to do is deposit a first tranche of 1000BTC into this address


whenever you are ready. We will distribute that Bitcoin through Azteco, with a discretionary maximum single voucher amount of $1,000 at whatever the real time rate is on the exchanges. The sooner we start the process of spreading Bitcoin into the hands of the people who need it most, the sooner the transformation to the “Bitcoin Reality” can begin.

According to this tweet you have about 1,000,000 BTC lying dormant. If we sell 1000 Bitcoin a month through our Azteco vouchers, it will take 19.1781 years to sell them all. This would be a clean, slow and steady dispersal of this large hoard of Bitcoin, over many years without disrupting the market.

What say you?

Stills from “The Tale Of Zatoichi” 1962. Zaitoichi is a blind Yakuza, wandering masseur, gambler, and a lightning fast swordsman with incredible control over his blade.He can see objects with his hearing like a bat can. Click here to see the complete scene these stills were grabbed from. By pretending to be a bumbler, dropping the dice outside of the cup, he takes advantage of the dishonesty of gamblers, who only have themselves to blame for losing money by betting on the dice that are not in play. This theme is repeated throughout all the films in the “Zatoichi” series.

