2 min readJun 17, 2016


What if a comet comes down out of the sky and destroys everything?
What if “The Russians” detonate an EMP and all computers stop?
What if ({what if}* [what if] /[what if?])^7

People pose these questions all the time, and have been doing so since the beginning of Bitcoin. Its worthless as a means of attacking it or analysing it.

Also, I am perplexed at why you refuse to say, “Bitcoin mining is concentrated in China. Chinese are not trustworthy; do you really want to trust your money to a Chinaman?” That is what people like Mike Hearn have said openly about Chinese miners. Its deeply racist of course, which is why people sometimes talk around the subject instead of speaking plainly.

The answer to this is obvious to anyone who is an entrepreneur:

Go build a Bitcoin mining company.

People are mining Bitcoin because it is profitable:

All you have to do to beat these people in terms of profitability is find a cheap source of electricity.

It doesn't matter if mines are easy to pinpoint geographically. If they are in free countries like Switzerland or China, they will have no problems at all.

Finally there is one country that is the most hostile to Bitcoin on earth short of banning it all together, and that is the USA. If you have any questions about anything to do with Bitcoin, that is where your attention should be focussed; why is America so bad for Bitcoin?

Please be assured; I am using your words as a foil for a reply, and am not directing this at you personally.

Its important that people who read these pieces and the responses are stimulated to think and not fall prey to the sort of nonsense that leads to a cryptocoin adopting an infinitely increasing money supply, as if that is a good thing, or the idea that Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed or in danger because the math to secure it, which everyone on Earth can see and verify, is being done by Chinese rather than Americans.

