Has Jesus changed your life?

Becci Williams
2 min readNov 10, 2017


More often than not when I talk about my life to others and the things that I am doing or have accomplished, I don’t give the glory to God as he deserves enough. I can play it down or say how great everything is going but not give praise to the one who puts all of it into motion! I am not intentional enough in sharing how it happened or who made it happen.

As I look back on the things of the past, I am blown away by the amazing things that I have done, the places I have visited, the divine opportunities that have been placed in my path, the relationships and friendships that have been formed through a single meeting and the path that I have been led down until now. I could not have done any of that in my own power, in my own knowledge or in my own strength. I believe this is not down to coincidence, luck or just the world we live in. This is all down to Jesus and his power at work in my life, his unrelenting goodness, his reckless love for me and his constant protection over my past, present and future. This is the nature of God.

Yes, not everything is perfect in our lives, or goes the way we want or expect it too- but focusing on the times where God has blessed us, or we have been blessed by the unexpected situation we find ourselves in, helps us to stay thankful to God who knows what’s best for our lives.

I want to strive to actively make known to others that everything that I have, everything that I do, everything that I gain, everything that I achieve and everything that I am, is because of Jesus.

We have free choice, but God has planned every day of each of our lives’ before He created the earth. He knows what is best for us.

John 15 verse 5 says:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Let’s show others how Jesus has changed our lives, especially those who don’t know Him! Be ready to intentionally share how God’s goodness has been upon your life and testify to it! He is the vine; we are the branches. We cannot do anything without Him. So let’s be thankful for everything He has done in and through our lives, even the parts where it’s been hard to trust God’s plans, yet in retrospect, His plans were the best.

How has Jesus changed your life?

