I am a Java developer with a passion for programming, as well as an understanding of server and front-end technologies. I like to share my technical experience and thinking, and actively explore the development and application of blockchain technology.

As a Java developer, I am proficient in the Java programming language, and have object-oriented programming thinking and good code design skills. In the development process, I often use Spring framework for rapid development and ORM framework such as Hibernate or MyBatis to interact with database.

In addition to Java development, I also have a broad understanding of server and front-end technologies. I can build web servers, database servers, etc. using Linux operating systems, and build simple websites and implement basic interactions using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. I am also familiar with popular front-end frameworks such as Vue.js and React, and have some development experience.

In addition, I am also interested in blockchain technology, understanding its fundamentals, data structure, cryptographic algorithms and other basics, and focusing on its application prospects in finance, Internet of Things, healthcare and other fields. I also like to think about the new problems and challenges brought by blockchain technology and try to find better solutions and promote further development of the technology.

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Beck Moulton

Beck Moulton

Focus on the back-end field, do actual combat technology sharing Buy me a Coffee if You Appreciate My Hard Work https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BeckMoulton