Rapé, a magical tool for ceremony and meditation

Driven To Happiness
5 min readMar 18, 2020


At a quick glance, the title of this post may appear incredibly controversial to those who have not heard of rapé before, but fear not, today we talk about plant medicine!

It took me a long time to build a good relationship with this medicine. Now, it is one of my most important tools for clearing and clarification while I work on grounding and connecting with myself every day amongst the heavy energies and hustle and bustle of the UK.

Rapé (pronounced hah-peh) is a powerful and cleansing shamanic snuff, made from a blend of Amazonian plants. The base of most rapé powders is an Amazonian tobacco, also known as Mapacho. Mapacho is often used by a shaman during healing ceremonies, to help smudge and clear a space energetically, protecting participants from bad spirits.

To ancient ancestors and traditional shamans, this sacred tobacco is considered one of the earths most healing plants of all. The energy of this tobacco helps to ground and stimulate the body so one can obtain clarity and connection through challenging times.

Blended with the alkaline ashes of sacred trees and medicinal herbs, rapé is created through a ritualistic grinding process which helps to invoke the spirits of the plants within it.

What is Rapé used for?

Rapé is an incredible tool that can be used to cleanse yourself of negative energy, assist with pain relief and stimulate detoxification, helping to clear excess mucus, toxins, and bacteria. Many find that it cuts through thoughts like a knife and allows one to find stillness and clarity within during meditation. Many Shamans suggest that rapé helps to decalcify the pineal gland (third-eye), where DMT (the ‘spirit molecule’) is produced.

Using a Tepi or Kuripe, which is a V shaped pipe commonly made from bamboo or bone, rapé is blown with force up the left and right nasal cavities.

For beginners, only a small pea sized amount is required for each side and it is advised to hold the breath and place the tongue upon the roof of the mouth. Once blown into the nose, the rapé is not to be inhaled or snorted, it is to sit at the top of your nasal cavity where it will be immediately absorbed through the mucous membrane.

Once the rapé has been administered it’s advisable to sit upright and begin to meditate as the medicine takes effect. It is important to connect with the breath, taking slow, deep breaths through the mouth, into the belly.

Rapé can have a purgative effect, which may not feel pleasant but this is the medicine doing its work. This may involve shaking, sweating or feeling the need to vomit, which is highly encouraged to expel any negative energy. Purging however, should not be forced, when relaxed, the medicine will cleanse and purify system in whatever way it needs to.

Can anyone do Rapé?

Approach with caution, it may not be for everyone. Different types of rapé have different effects and serve different purposes, so it helps to have worked with rapé under the guidance of a shaman or experienced medicine facilitator who can help you find the right rapé for you.

Using this shamanic tool should be done with the utmost respect and humility. It is essential you are in the right setting and headspace to work with this medicine. Use with intention. Clear the space energetically by smudging with Sage, Mapacho or Palo Santo and ensure there will be no disturbances such as loud noises or movement.

Rapé is a legal plant medicine in the UK and can be purchased online from online stores such as kuripe.com or shamanicsnuff.com

Helpful tips & tricks

  • Letting just any person blow rapé up your nose can expose you to heavy energies that may not belong to you. It’s important to use your intuition to gauge if the person you are receiving it from is spiritually conscious, cleansed and in tune with themselves.
  • Try to keep the rapé in the nostrils for as long as possible. Resist blowing it out unless absolutely necessary. Keep breathing through the mouth. It helps to have a roll of tissue and a bucket to hand incase anything needs to come up!
  • Try exploring different types of rapé to find one that works best for you. The first few experiences may be unpleasant for some. If there is clearing to be done on a physical or energetic level, it’s not always easy to begin with. Ladies for your first time I recommend Kaxinawa.
  • Rapé is an incredible tool when journeying with ayahuasca. This medicine helps you to purge, go deeper with Mother ayahuasca, or move through any difficult experiences where you may be looping and feeling stuck.
  • Feeling unsure about something and need support in making a decision? Set an intention before working with rapé and use this time to go deep within. The plants help you find answers.
  • If you decide to buy some rapé for personal use, buy a satchel or wallet to keep all your ceremony items clean and protected from outside energies. Always smudge the space and all your items before beginning a meditation.
  • If you can’t find a place of silence or find it easier to meditate with soothing sounds, build a music playlist to use when you are working with this medicine. If you’re not sure what music to use, you can head to my playlist on Spotify by following this link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7LBnJjMsombSUgJaE5heyC?si=e_2QUYMiQ7a8sLq9I4cR3Q

Thanks for reading,




Driven To Happiness

Ex corporate slave & party addict living free spirited and off grid in Australia. Sharing stuff I wish I’d learnt 15 years ago but learning now at 30.