What is ayahuasca and what does it do?

Driven To Happiness
10 min readMar 18, 2020


Forget ‘lifting the veil’ — this sacred plant potion lifts a thick, heavy blackout blind that prevents us from seeing the truth.

Ayahuasca, a plant based brew which hails from the Amazon, is making waves across the globe as more of us begin to choose healing over coping. From trauma to addiction, depression to chronic illness, Ayahuasca has helped thousands of people face their demons, break negative habit patterns and adopt a lifestyle that is focussed on health and purpose.

In the 16th century, Christian missionaries from Spain went to South America, witnessed shamans working ceremonially with medicinal plants and called it ‘the work of the devil’. Due to effects beyond logical explanation, involving energy work in the spiritual realm, this ancient healing modality was deemed dangerous and unlawful. These beliefs continue to this day, and Ayahuasca is considered an illegal substance in most countries around the world.

What the ‘the devil’s work’ did for me…

For 13 years I was addicted to drugs and alcohol, stuck in a corporate city job, suffering with chronic anxiety and depression. In 2016, following a breakdown, I was lead to Ayahuasca. With no real knowledge of this medicine, I attended my first ceremony with no expectations and left with a completely different mindset. What I was shown changed my life forever. Just three months after my first experience I got sober, quit my job and embarked on a huge journey of self-discovery and radical transformation.

Today, I continue to take part in ‘the devils work’, having explored medicine ceremonies with many different shamans all over the world. I am on a mission to help inspire other devils like myself to face their truth, break free from the shackles of society and discover inner wisdom.

There’s s A LOT of bullshit on the internet. I offer four years experience, working on a deep level with plant medicine and I wish to share some truth and guidance to those wondering if this is the right route for them. It’s not for everyone and it’s important to do your research.

Curious about venturing to your dark side? Read on….

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is a form of traditional medicine and cultural psychiatry which has been used in healing practices and ceremonies for hundreds of years. You can’t really say that about Valium, Zoloft or Prozac…

This entheogenic brew is most traditionally made from the Chakaruna plant (DMT) and the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine (MAOI). There are however, many other different types of plants (or ‘admixtures’) that can be used in a brew, each with their own specific healing qualities and effects.

DMT otherwise known as ‘the spirit molecule’ naturally occurs in many if not most plants and animals, including the human body. Studies have shown traces of DMT may be produced in the pineal gland of the brain, also known as the ‘third eye’, and there are theories this is released when you die.

Humans are unable to ingest DMT orally without an MAOI inhibitor (thus the reason a potent brew is made using the ayahuasca vine) — this helps prevent the break down of the spirit molecule before it reaches the brain and allows it to be slowly released and absorbed by the body in order to experience an intense spiritual journey.

What Is An Entheogen?

Entheogen, in Greek literally means ‘generating god within’. An Entheogen is any psychoactive/psychedelic substance that alters/raises different levels of consciousness and induces spiritual experiences that will assist in personal development and growth. Entheogens help us to tune in to our ‘inner witness’, the eye that observes beyond the two we see this physical world with. Beyond our meat vessels, beyond all our divides and labels, we are one.

What Does Ayahuasca Do?

When the ayahuasca vine and chakaruna leaves are combined, they form a powerful psychedelic brew that affects the central nervous system, leading to an altered state of consciousness. In this altered state the medicine does its best to guide you to the deepest, darkest parts of your self which need reviewing, commonly the most confronting stuff we’ve blocked out through fear and trauma.

Ayahuasca has the ability to open up the memory bank and reveal forgotten memories from all stages of life, some deeply locked away which we would otherwise, have not been able to remember. It may show you signs, symbols, weird worlds and strange things you cannot understand. It’s possible to face intense fear or death-like experiences which are part of the healing process and in these moments it is important to trust and surrender.

As part of the ‘purge’ it is common to experience sweating, shaking/shivering, vomiting or diarrhoea. These expulsions of energy are a necessary and completely normal part of the journey as you let go of what no longer serves you. During the process it’s common to see intense colourful visions and you may feel an overwhelming need to release emotions such as grief, sadness or anger.

My advice? Don’t resist, don’t hold back.

Be respectful of those around you and find space and solitude if you need to release something intense. Just make sure, that whatever you need to let go of emotionally or physically, do it. Keep taking long deep breaths into the heart centre and ride through the process. Crying is healing, so let those tears fall as much as they need to.

We are very resistant to anything outside of our control, some of us more than others. Ayahuasca works hard to weaken our resistance, lift psychological armour and break emotional barriers, so we can FEEL again. If we fight, resist, struggle or panic, it is very difficult for this work to take place and it can either make your journey incredibly challenging or, you may not experience anything at all. Trust and surrender.

It really helps to work on opening the heart and clearing the mind through yoga and meditation on the lead up to the big day. The more you clear and centre yourself before ceremony, the more you will receive and remember after.

Feeling the call

Before you dive in head first and book a retreat, you have to ask yourself ‘who and what am I doing this for?’ — if it’s to chase an experience, follow the herd, achieve some kind of instant gratification or discover a miracle cure, don’t be surprised if you have your arse handed to you. There are all sorts of stories about people travelling to South America in search of magical highs and spiritual enlightenment. Chasing it for this reason, with no research or preparation, is where we hear tales of horror.


We call the spirit of this medicine ‘The Mother’ and her purpose is to show you your demons, you darkness, your worst fears and your deepest pain. This work involves bravery and courage to face the things you avoid, deny hide or repress. DEATH of ego.

Once you drink this medicine, there’s no going back and the work does not happen in one night. What you see, feel and experience in that one ceremony, will continue to unfold and shake up your life in many ways as the months roll by. You have to really know in your heart and soul that you are prepared to let life fall apart in order to rebuild it in a way that makes you truly happy within.

So, if it’s definitely calling you… where do you find it?

It is possible to locate ceremonies in every part of the world if you connect with the right networks. However, I do believe that if it is your time to work with the plants, they will find you. Are you connecting with spiritually minded people or those who focus on self-discovery? Most often, when the time is right, an introduction may be made through referral or some kind of synchronistic link will show up, as opposed to scouring the internet or asking people where to go.

Trust the process. These plants know when they’re needed and connections will appear.

The legalities

There is perhaps, good reason for strict laws around using this sacred brew. As a major catalyst for self-discovery and healing, it’s power, in the wrong hands, can also be deadly. This healing work involves opening up to the spirit world. Journeying to places far beyond our understanding, should be approached with a high level of caution and respect.

It was not intended that the ancient traditions of this energy work be industrialised, but unfortunately, many are being lured by the tourism industry to experience Ayahuasca as some kind of bucket list experience. Charlatan ‘shamans’ are now popping up around the world, as medicine drinkers gain a sense of power from this healing work and look to attain wealth by supplying it to those desperate for answers.

My personal opinion is this is not a ‘drug’ — there are so many negative connotations with this word and it seems like sacrilege to use it when referring to this healing work. Nearly all drugs when used repeatedly, require an increase in dosage over time as the body builds a tolerance to the effects. This does not happen with Ayahuasca. As the body opens to feelings, emotions and sensations through deep, introspective spiritual work — less is more. Your body cannot build a tolerance to Ayahuasca, the more you take, the more you will travel deeper and deeper into an unknown realm. It’s not for the faint hearted.

A good shaman is CRUCIAL

Ayahuasca is an incredible tool when used under the care and guidance of an experienced and respected shaman, from a strong lineage of medicine healers. An experienced shaman acts as an intermediary between here and the spirit world, using energy and the elements to heal at the deepest level. They hold space for spirit to do its work and they offer guidance and protection while you do yours.

A traditional shaman will sing Icaros during ceremony and these Icaros are POWERFUL. Icaros are sacred songs or chants that help the medicine to move through you, travelling like patterns around the room, shifting energy and helping you to purge. Each and every song has a different meaning or purpose and they are often not rehearsed or known to the shaman before ceremony, the medicine brings these creations through to assist with healing.

From personal experience, I have sat in ceremony with and without a traditional shaman and I have visibly seen and FELT the difference of someone who works with Icaros. They’re magic.

Do your research and learn about the history of the person holding space. If you’re not too sure or something feels off, consult someone with experience who can guide you but it’s important to try to listen to your own intuition. Recommendations and referrals are much better than just randomly choosing something off the internet.

Being prepared

Some say you cannot prepare for ayahuasca, but I beg to differ. I’ve found it makes a big difference when you dedicate time to detox the body, clear the mind and open the heart.

Yes the medicine will do whatever it needs to do when you drink it, but if you have spent time tuning in, clearing the body and focussing on intentional practices prior to ceremony, you are far more likely to receive clearer guidance instead of being put through Mother ayahuasca’s turbo clean washing machine.

Go in scattered and busy… and that’s quite possibly how you’ll experience your journey. Learning to breathe and move through difficult experiences is a game changer. Certain kundalini yoga kriyas, breath-work and meditations really helped me to connect with the energy flow within my body. I will share some helpful tricks and tips on this soon.

Integration is UNDERSTATED…

Integration is taking everything you saw, felt and experienced in your medicine journey and learning to integrate it in to every day life. It’s then a case of working through dark and heavy days with a strong determination to flow through whatever surfaces with a proactive and nurturing approach. It’s important to acknowledge that the medicine will break down your defences and help you to see the truth… this can take months or years of getting used to, especially if you’re stubborn or resistant to make important changes in your life.

If you’re looking to work with ayahuasca, you HAVE to start learning to go inwards — before and after. Many of us cannot or do not know how to process our feelings and emotions very well, we use coping mechanisms, distraction and often project our pain outward instead of looking at what has been stirred up within. Learn to observe, journal and breeeeeeathe!!

You can read a million different accounts on people’s experiences, but this still won’t tell you what it’s going to be like for you. The answer to this completely depends on how you choose to commit to our healing journey and instil the necessary routines and discipline to ride the waves of life and break through negative habit patterns.

Does Ayahuasca change you?


We must be willing to face the darkness in all circumstances. Mama Aya doesn’t take our darkness away from us, she helps us to see it. Your work is to face, accept and transmute anything that no longer serves you… it won’t magically disappear without recognising and owning what is part of you and why.

Ayahuasca is not a miracle cure, it is a tool, she is a guide. You are your own teacher.

This is not easy to do alone. We are often blind or resistant to see what really needs to change and our inner child can lead us to stamping, screaming, crying and whimpering at how tough life is. Re-parenting yourself is not easy if you were never shown what good parenting looks like.

If you need support and guidance in preparation for your first medicine journey, or if you are currently working through your integration process and need someone to talk to, please check out my website and get in contact.




Driven To Happiness

Ex corporate slave & party addict living free spirited and off grid in Australia. Sharing stuff I wish I’d learnt 15 years ago but learning now at 30.