
Good People by Becky Karsh
1 min readFeb 22, 2016


Mondays are objectively the worst day of the week. But, starting now, they have earned their place in my life as the best day of the week. Because of today. Because Mondays mean a fresh start, a new opportunity, and renewed energy.

Yesterday I listened to Tim Ferriss interview Seth Godin for about two hours. We (meaning Tim, Seth, and I), took a nice long walk Seth told me (and everyone) to write every day. And publish it…in public.

So today, on my new favorite day of the week, I will start holding myself accountable to this. To you, mom and husband, who are probably the only two people who will ever read this. And, to myself. You’ll hopefully see a new post from me daily, with musings, thoughts, and ideas on life and learning. Because that’s what I do, I live my life, and I learn a hell of a lot along the way.

Cheers to the first Monday of the rest of our lives.

In Life and Learning,




Good People by Becky Karsh

Still figuring it out. Spending my days developing managers and leaders @Uber.