How to Remove Trojan.Waldek Completely?

Becky Longman
4 min readJun 2, 2017


Help me remove Trojan.Waldek virus! The Security tool has detected the virus infection but can not remove it completely. I have tried several ways to remove this threat, but it turned out to be a failure. Then, I try using another antivirus program, but still have no luck to remove this threat. This virus is so stubborn. I don’t know how to remove it from my computer. Can someone tell me what should I do now to get rid of it thoroughly?

Definition of Trojan.Waldek

Trojan.Waldek is a kind of Trojan horse. It is bundled with additional parasites and potential threats to corrupt your computer terribly. These free software contains some deceptive files with which its installation folder and many Trojan horses can change its original icon into a very seductive file name and similar double suffix such as TXT.EXE and JPG.EXE to prevent users from deleting them and thus to run the Trojan. Similarly, this Trojan horse Trojan horse will disguise itself as a legit part of the operating system by using a misleading file name. Users may mistakenly consider that they are just normal pictures or text files. People cannot verify the malware’s trait. A hacker cannot successfully control an infected machine unless the victim runs the Trojan process. Hackers will spare no effort to achieve their evil goal that the Trojan threat should be completely infiltrated into the target computer system. Commonly, users would perform a full scan of their systems with antivirus software if they suspect their PCs are infected. Anti-virus detection is rely on the feature code in Trojan horse, therefore, sometimes the Trojan horse could escape detection of the security tool especially the free version of them, that is the reason it can be one of the nastiest virus infection on the Internet.

Unlike other computer viruses, this Trojan focuses on spying on the victims’ online activities and attempts to steal the data, such as credit card details, ID number and phone number, rather than simply destroys the files on the compromised machine. Unlike other computer infection which concentrate on destroy system data, the Trojan horse is meant to spy on what a user does on the computer and try to steal private information such as passwords and take other information that may help them make money. These days, Trojan horses have been a tool used to steal the victims’ personal information for the purpose of gaining illegal profits. But now, Trojan horses are frequently employed to steal useful information on the infected computer. It is not wise for you to leave such a malicious threat in your machine; if you want to protect your personal information, remove it from your computer quickly.

The following instructions show you how to effectively deal with the Trojan, but you are required to have enough computer expertise and skills. If you are not expert at computer, using a professional malware removal tool will be a better option.

Why Need to Remove Trojan.Waldek

1.It degrades your PC performance and speed considerably. 2.It runs many processes in the background to make your PC sluggish. 3. It brings other malicious process to your computer by passing through your security tools. 4. It can record your browsing histories and collect the confidential information.

Manual removal instructions:

Trojan.Waldek is a malicious Trojan horse which can be installed to the infected computer without PC users’ permission. It removes or overwrites system files, modifies system settings, disables important programs and even brings other malware to your computer. What’s more, this Trojan horse collects personal information without your knowledge. It is strongly suggested this Trojan horse be removed as early as possible. You can try manually removing it by following the guide below:

Step One: show its related files:

1.Start button>Control Panel>Appearance>Personalization link>Folder Options.

2. Click on “View tab” in the folder options window, here, you can show all the malicious files by clicking on “Show hidden files/ folders”, and then drives under the Hidden files and folders category.

3.Finally, click “OK” at the bottom of the Folder Options window.

Step Two: Remove its associated registry

1. Open Registry Editor.

Start>Run>type “regedit”>OK.

Then remove the following registry entries:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run ‘Random’
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Random
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “CertificateRevocation” =Random

2.Locate and Clear the malicious files:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\random
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~random
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Random “.exe”


Trojan.Waldek is a pesky Trojan virus to computer. The issue about manually deleting Trojan.Waldek is a rather difficult and time-consuming process. Some symptoms will show at the beginning of this Trojan horse infection, such as slow response, no reaction of mouse or keyboard, system shutdown, or blue screen of death, etc. This Trojan horse can cause various problems after finishing its installation. This Trojan threat will change system settings and help display commercial pup up to mess up the system. Hiding behind system rootkit makes this virus more difficult to be removed. Manual way should be an effective way to remove nasty virus, but it is recommended for advanced computer users only.

