Genetic Algorithms: The Travelling Salesman Problem

Becky Johnson
6 min readNov 15, 2017


This week we were challenged to solve The Travelling Salesman Problem using a genetic algorithm. The exact application involved finding the shortest distance to fly between eight cities without visiting a city more than once. The table below shows the distances between each city in kilometres.

The search space for this problem involves every possible permutation of routes that visit each city once. As there are eight cities to be visited, and because once a city has been visited that city is not eligible to be travelled to again, the size of the search space stands as 8! (40320) possible permutations.


Upon initialisation, each individual creates a permutation featuring an integer representation of a route between the eight cities with no repetition featured. A corresponding array with the string equivalent of these indexes is created to output when a solution is found.

[0, 4, 1, 2, 6, 5, 7, 3] = ["Brighton", "Liverpool", "Bristol", "Cambridge", "Manchester", "London", "Oxford", "Glasgow"]

A fitness function calculates the total distance between each city in the chromosome’s permutation. For example, in the ordering above, the distance between the cities represented by ‘0’ and ‘4’ is added to an overall sum, then the distance between the cities represented by ‘4’ and ‘1’ is added, and so on. The chromosome’s fitness is set to the overall sum of all distances within the permutation. The smaller the overall distance, the higher the fitness of the individual.


There are two popular methods to apply when performing selection in genetic algorithms, roulette wheel selection and tournament selection. Both use probability to create bias in choosing fitter chromosomes to serve as the parents.

In my first implementation, I used the roulette wheel method to select two parents to produce two offspring within each generation. Each chromosome calculates a selection probability with a higher fitness correlating to a higher probability. An overall sum is created of the fitnesses of each chromosome within the population. Each chromosome’s probability is then calculated by dividing it’s individual fitness by the total probability sum which results in a float value in the range of 0 to 1. An array is created to store the individual probabilities and act as the roulette wheel in which to determine the parents.

To select the parents, a random number is generated between 0 and 1. The number is then tested against the array values to test which two indexes it lies between and therefore which chromosome to select as a parent. This process is iterated twice to select two parents and a check is in place to guarantee that the two parents are different. Below is a representation of the probabilities generated by 5 different chromosomes based upon their individual fitness. On the right is the representation of the array in which to test the randomly generated number against. The first value always serves as 0, the next as 0+chromosome1.probability, the next as chromosome1.probability+chromosome2.probability, and so on for all entries.

[0.3, 0.25, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1] --> [0, 0.3, 0.55, 0.75, 0.9, 1]

Tournament selection also involves this process of calculating probability bias however features a stronger stochastic element in choosing parents. The tournament consists of considering only a select few chromosomes as parents rather than the whole population. The size of the tournament is assigned at the beginning of the program, and the chromosomes are chosen from a random starting point to create a tournament of the set size. The same process as the roulette wheel is used to determine the two parents for the crossover phase.


As the solution requires that no city to be visited more than once, using a classical crossover operator may often lead to generating weaker offspring. A conventional crossover operator may select one half to copy from the first section and the remaining half to copy from the second. This does not prevent copying duplicate cities into the offspring chromosome and will result in a penalty for visiting the same city more than once. However, using the order 1 approach helps to preserve the non-repeating feature of the parent chromosomes. To create the first child, copy part of the first parent’s chromosome to the child’s chromosome. Then choose valid non-repeating numbers from the second parent in the order that they appear to the empty values in the child’s chromosome. To create the chromosome for the second child, repeat this process inversely by copying part of the second parent’s chromosome and using valid values from the first parent for the remaining values.

//Classical Crossover Operator 
[0, 6, 2, 7, | 1, 4, 3, 5] //Parent 1
[2, 1, 7, 0, | 6, 5, 4, 3] //Parent 2
[0, 6, 2, 7, | 6, 5, 4, 3] //Offspring 1
[2, 1, 7, 0, | 1, 4, 3, 5] //Offspring 2
//Order 1 Crossover Operator
[0, 6, 2, 7, 1, 4, 3, 5] //Parent 1
[2, 1, 7, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3] //Parent 2
[0, 6, 2, 7, 1, 4, 3, 5] //Offspring 1
[2, 4, 7, 0, 6, 5, 1, 3] //Offspring 2


For this specific problem, the standard mutation action is modified to avoid creating repetition of cities visited. A conventional mutation method of replacing a value with a random city would duplicate cities and not fulfil the problem’s criteria. Instead, two random indexes are selected in the array holding the city indexes and these two values are swapped to maintain .

[0, 6, 2, 7, 1, 4, 3, 5] --> [0, 4, 2, 7, 1, 6, 3, 5]


Genetic algorithms have two modalities, steady-state and generational. Steady-state utilises an elitist selection process in which the best n chromosomes are of the population are carried over to the next generation. By keeping the best-ranked chromosome, this implementation does not risk losing it’s best solution so far .Generational does not utilise this approach and instead only carries over any offspring produced in the crossover phase.


The four variations are noted in the results as:

  • Steady-State Approach with Roulette Wheel Selection (SS-RW)
  • Steady-State Approach with Tournament Selection (SS-T)
  • Generational Approach with Roulette Wheel Selection (G-RW)
  • Generational Approach with Tournament Selection (G-T)

Each variation was tested 50 times and the minimum, maximum, and average number of generations needed to reach the solution was recorded. The same mutation rate of 0.15 and population size of 25 was used for each implementation.

As shown, there is a notably wide variation in results between the tournament and roulette wheel selection in the steady-state modality. By using tournament selection, there is a chance that the fittest chromosome will not be considered for crossover and so will not pass it’s candidate solution on to successive offspring. This same logic applies to the difference between the roulette wheel and tournament selection in the generational modality although the difference in average is not as significant.

It is surprising that the steady-state tournament selection was outperformed by both generational variations. The steady-state holds onto the best chromosome found, and so there is no danger of losing the best solution of the population. If this best chromosome is in fact a local solution, any chromosome of the new generation that surpass its fitness will replace it as the new best and so avoids pitfalls of local optima. Using the generational approach implies that finding the global solution relies entirely upon the selection, crossover, and mutation process of the chromosomes in order to converge to the target solution vector. This suggests a much slower convergence, as to find the global solution requires a steady and gradual progression from initialisation candidate solutions to the global optima.

However, the stochastic aspect of the mutation threshold and selection process removes consistency from the performance of GA. Another fifty tests may yield entirely different results for each variation that may be more expected or entirely contradict what would be logically assumed. However, if these results do accurately describe the behaviour of the variations, the steady-state approach and tournament selection method may benefit in more creative applications, where exploration and a slow convergence may demonstrate an auditory or artistic process. Overall, considering the total size of the search space mentioned in the introduction, the genetic algorithm serves well in finding a solution in a relatively small number of generations.



Becky Johnson

Third year Creative Computing student at Goldsmiths, University of London.