This Is to Motivate You Whenever You Fail

The Nerds
3 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Failure is where most people give up. Failure is where most people stop.

But the ones who succeed don’t stop at failure. They don’t stop when they fail for once, they don’t stop when they fail for a second, a third and a hundred or thousand times.

They seek failure. Because it’s the thing that teaches us the most life lessons. It teaches us what didn’t work.

Don’t believe all of these things? Here’s a quote from Thomas Alva Edison, who developed light bulb:

“I did not fail thousand times. I just discovered 1000 different ways to not discover light bulb.”

Failure is a step towards success, not the opposite of success. Failure is what builds a man.

If you haven’t failed yet, you haven’t succeeded yet.

If you’re a true warrior, you would be hungry for your failure, you would become stronger from failure.

Don’t be afraid of failure, because it’s unavoidable. It has to happen. And, when something is certain to happen, we should not think about moving back but the best possible way to do it.

When you encounter failure, you need to think of best way to learn from it, refine yourself and just grow.

Failure doesn’t matter because it’s certain to happen, but how you respond to failure matters.

Just keep pushing yourself despite the odds.

Life is certainly uncertain. Things will not always go as planned. You need to acknowledge it. You will need to adapt to the changes and get up, move on.

It’s your own journey and you’re the hero or heroine of your story.

Don’t let yourself become a failure. And therefore, get up and try again.

All you need to do is whenever you fail:

  1. Remember that failure happens. It’s temporary. You just not have to give up, because it’s not the failure that lets you not succeed, but it’s when you give up, you don’t succeed.
  2. Set a clear mission. Set a clear why you want to achieve the goal. Give your 100% to achieve it. And, remind yourself your why whenever you fail.
  3. Don’t take failure as a setback but an opportunity to grow, just a way to show out that this didn’t worked out.
  4. Write your achievements in a page. Read them whenever you fail. It will help you tackle your failure and learn from it. You can even write some quotes in it regarding failure, to motivate you not to give up.



The Nerds

Hi, I'm a nerd. I'm passionate about self-improvement, tackling topper insecurities, and sharing my love for books.