6 min readJul 24, 2017

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Milk drink — milkshake (cocktail recipe)


Milkshakes include drinks made on the basis of any dairy products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, melted and condensed milk, cream, ice cream). The main secret of milk drink is that they should be drunk immediately after preparation. Store ready-made beverages is not recommended even in the refrigerator, since fruit acids can provoke the process of oxidation and coagulation of milk. Milk for the cocktail should be chilled, and syrup or jam in the drink is added in small amounts. For a milk drink it is better to take a filling, it gives the neck at the same time a soft and thick consistency. If fresh fruit or berries are added to a milkshake, they are first ground with a blender until a puree state.
Useful properties of milk drink

  • Helps in typing muscle mass
  • Increases the protective functions of the body
  • It is indispensable in the prevention of malignant tumors
  • Is a good assistant in the restoration of bone tissue
  • It is useful during the physiological deficiency of protein in pregnancy
  • Is prescribed for certain diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive system
  • Replaces high-calorie food, helping to lose excess weight and saturating the human
  • body with the necessary amino acids prepared a selection of the most delicious and interesting milkshakes for adults and children, which can be easily prepared at home.

Milkshakes with fruit

Home recipes of milkshakes:

Milkshakes with fruit

Strawberry milk drink

150 g milk and 50 g cream
6 strawberries + 1 grape
2 tsp. Strawberry syrup
1 circle of banana

Cocktail recipe:
Strawberries throng in the dishes. Add all ingredients to the mixer, beat well. You decorate with grapes and banana mugs.

Apricot milkshakes

1 1/2 cup apricots
2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar
3 cups of milk
4 tbsp. Chopped crushed ice

Cocktail recipe:
Combine the ice with pieces of apricots, sugar. Add the milk. Beat all ingredients for 2 minutes. When serving, decorate with mint leaves.

Cocktail “Apple-raspberry”

50 g apples + 50 g raspberries
100 g of chilled milk
Vanilla sugar on the tip of the knife

Cocktail recipe:
Peeled and cut apples, raspberries and vanilla sugar beat well in a mixer or blender. After that, mix the beaten mixture in a container with chilled milk. Serve in glasses.

Milkshakes “Classic”

250 ml of milk
100 g cottage cheese
1 banana

Cocktail recipe:
Beat all ingredients in a blender.

Milk-pear cocktail

1 glass of milk and 2 pears
1 tbsp. Spoon of lemon juice
1 tbsp. L. Liquid honey
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon

Milkshake recipe:
Pears peeled, cut and put into a blender. Add lemon juice, cinnamon, honey. Pour in the milk. All thoroughly beat up and poured into glasses.

Milkshakes “Raspberry”

50 g of raspberry and 50 g of raspberry juice
100 g of cooled 10% cream
20 g of powdered sugar

Cocktail recipe:
Mix a raspberry juice, cream and powdered sugar with a mixer or blender. Serve the drink in glasses, decorating raspberries with berries.

Milk drink with ice cream

Strawberry-Blueberry milkshakes

300 g of blueberries
300 g strawberries
500 g of ice cream
Chocolate (optional)

Milkshake recipe:
In the blender we add, necessarily melted, ice cream, blueberries, and strawberries. Whisk until smooth and pour into a neck glass. You can add chocolate — it’s also very tasty, but not everyone loves chocolate, so this decision is for you. We decorate the neck with a straw and a strawberry.

Milk drink

100 g of ice cream (creamy filling)
100 g of fruit juice with pulp

Milkshake recipe:
Mix ice cream and juice with a mixer for 2–3 minutes. Cook directly before use, serve with straws.

Milkshakes with syrup, jam, honey

Mandarin Milk Shake

20 ml of tangerine syrup
20 ml of condensed milk
60 ml of milk

Cocktail recipe:
Beat syrup, condensed milk and milk in a mixer or shaker. Serve in cocktail glasses

Milk drink with jam

200 ml of milk
2 tbsp. L. Milk powder
2 egg whites
Any jam

Cocktail recipe:
All these components should be thoroughly stirred.

Milkshake from blackberries and milk

50 g of blackberry juice
50 g of sugar syrup
120 g milk + ice cubes

Milkshake recipe:
Stir the blackberry juice with chilled milk and sugar syrup. Serve in glasses with several ice cubes.

Cocktail “Strawberry”

100 g of cooled cream
20 g of sugar syrup + ice

Cocktail recipe:
Rasterat strawberries, after mixing with a spoon with cream and syrup. Serve in glasses, with a few ice cubes.

Milkshakes with coffee

Milkshakes “Coffee-banana shake”

1 cup cold milk
1 tsp. Instant coffee
1 tbsp. Spoons of sugar
1 large banana

Cocktail recipe:
Mix milk, banana, coffee and sugar with a combine or blender to a uniform consistency of mass. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Dietary milkshakes for weight loss

Excellent Breakfast Cocktail

250 ml of sour cream
250 ml of tomato juice
salt pepper

Milkshake recipe:
This cocktail contains few calories, great for breakfast and cooked within a few minutes. In order to make it, just take the juice and sour cream, mix and beat with a mixer. Salt and pepper are added at will. Here’s a simple recipe for a very tasty cocktail.

Cocktail Milk Celery

1 glass of milk
3–4 stalks of celery
100 g grated Parmesan

Milkshake recipe:
Squeeze the juice from the stalks of celery. Pour the juice into the milk, add grated Parmesan and beat well in a blender. Serve chilled.

Milk drink «Summer rest»

150 ml of chilled milk
50 g carrots + salt to taste

Cocktail recipe:
Grate the carrots and mix with a mixer and milk. Serve in a glass, decorating the drink with a sprig of dill.

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Milkshakes with chocolate

Milkshakes “Chocolate-strawberry”

100 g of milk + 20 g of sugar
50 g of chocolate chips
50 g of strawberry juice

Milkshake recipe:
Mix the chocolate chips with sugar and milk, warm and cool to 20C. After, mix with strawberry juice. Serve in glasses, sprinkling with chocolate chips.

Milk shake “Chocolate Milk Drink”

50 grams of grated chocolate
150 g of hot milk

Cocktail recipe:
Grind the chocolate, pour into a cup, add hot milk, mix everything thoroughly.

Milk drink “From the garden”

200 g of chilled milk + salt
1 tbsp. Chopped fennel greens

Cocktail recipe:
Beat with the help of a mixer milk with finely chopped dill. Season the salt with a drink and serve in a glass, decorating the top with a sprig of dill.

Alcoholic milkshakes

Milk drink “Alphonse”

30 ml of Baileys liquor
30 ml of liqueur “Kaloua”
Whipped cream

Cocktail recipe:
Components of a cocktail to pour in the specified order in a glass the old fashion with ice.

Recipes of cocktails with milk and absinthe

Video recipe of milkshake

More about non-alcoholic drinks you can read here

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