How to Write Undetectable AI Content? (Make Your Content Undetectable in 2024)

Suresh Chaudhary
11 min readDec 18, 2023


Do you want to generate Undetectable AI Content in 2024? You can read this post to make your content undetectable by AI.

Since the introduction of AI tools like Jasper, professionals have been exploring how they can use AI in all areas of business.

For anyone creating content or selling online, the ability to generate AI content and quickly scale content marketing strategies is an exciting idea.

But if the AI content sounds like a computer wrote it, people won’t want to read it.

And Google might consider your content as irrelevant.

But how can you generate AI text undetectable to other AIs and your human readers?

One way to test your content is by running it through AI content detectors, which are tools that help you figure out if your AI-generated content sounds robotic.

Here’s how to find out if your AI content sets off alarms and the steps you can take to make your AI content undetectable.

Affiliate Disclosure: The following content related to undetectable AI content generation is brought to you by Suresh Chaudhary. If you buy a product featured here, I may earn an affiliate commission or other compensation at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!

What is AI-generated content?

AI-generated content is content like blog posts, articles and product descriptions that are written by a computer using artificial intelligence software.

The AI tool generates content using human input, such as the topic, keywords and type of copy.

Examples of AI tools that you can use to generate content include:

  • Long-form content creation, including books and articles.
  • Long-form human-friendly content creation with an AIO formula.
  • ChatGPT and GPT-4: Can create multiple types of content depending on what you ask for, including short and long-form.
  • Scalenut: Used for marketing and eCommerce content.
  • Short-form AI content that can be used for blogs, website copy, social media and sales assets.
  • An answer engine that combines information from other AI content-creator tools and can be used for research and content creation.

How to write AI content undetectable in 2024

You can generate undetectable AI content in four easy steps.

  1. Use to rewrite the AI content
  2. Ask ChatGPT to rewrite that content
  3. Use Quillbot to rephrase the content
  4. Change the syntax and vocabulary

1. Use Undetectable AI Tool

Undetectable AI is a writing tool that rewrites AI content to get past content detectors.

All you have to do is copy and paste your text into the editor, and it will re-process it using new words, structure and phrasing.

With Undetectable AI, you can change settings such as the reading difficulty level and the purpose of the writing.

For example, take our sample paragraph generated by ChatGPT and run it through Undetectable using “High school” readability and “Marketing material” purpose.

After processing your text in Undetectable AI, you can run the new version through a detection tool to see if it passes.

When run through Writer, the new content passed as 100% human text.

That being said, you would still have to adjust for grammar issues like adding commas in lists and after transition phrases.

Undetectable AI offers a free trial for the first 250 words generated. After that, it offers several paid plans starting at $9.99 per month for up to 10,000 words.

Try Undetectable AI For Free

2. Ask ChatGPT to rewrite AI-generated content

While paying for a service may seem like the simplest answer to how to make AI content undetectable if you’re not ready to subscribe to an AI text masking tool, there are some free options to help adjust your text.

Another option involves asking your original AI text generator to rewrite its output.

The second round of processing means that the tool has to use different words and phrasing, making it more likely that it will pass as human text because it will be less predictable.

As you can see in the screenshot, the text that ChatGPT rewrote is no longer detected as AI-generated.

Instead, the tool estimates that a human wrote 99% of the text.

Also, it bears noting that different versions of ChatGPT don’t recognize text created by their siblings.

So using different versions of ChatGPT to rewrite text adds another layer of uniqueness.

3. Use Quillbot to rephrase

Quillbot is an AI-powered paraphrasing tool you can use to rewrite human or AI-generated content.

It has different modes, like Fluency, Creative and Simple, that you can choose from depending on your brand’s voice and your target audience.

You can also click on any of the rewritten words to get a list of other synonyms to quickly tailor your text.

Quillbot lets you see which text the tool changed and run the new version through a grammar check for a quick polish.

The new text from Quillbot passed the detection test with an estimate that a human wrote 93% of the text.

So while detectors might miss your content as AI-generated, human readers might still think parts of it sound slightly robotic.

Try QuillBot For Free

4. Change syntax and vocabulary

Finally, your ultimate weapon in figuring out how to make AI content undetectable is to combine AI and human writing to get past AI content detectors and make your readers feel comfortable.

With this method, you want to focus on:

  • Changing repetitive sentence structure by moving clauses or breaking long sentences up into shorter ones.
  • Replacing commonly used words and phrases with synonyms.
  • Adding transition phrases.
  • Using contractions to sound more conversational.
  • Including first- and second-person pronouns, depending on your brand’s writing style.

In this example, a handful of changes bumped the Writer's score on the passage to 98% written by a human.

While this method may take more work than others, it also lets you adjust the text for your target audience and ensure the language matches your brand’s voice.

Why you should make your AI content undetectable

But the biggest question is, why go through all this work?

Why does anyone even need to know how to make AI content undetectable?

AI-generated content is fast, but it doesn’t always appeal to human readers or search bots.

Here are the biggest reasons to camouflage your AI content.

1. Improve SEO performance

Google doesn’t ban AI-generated content.

But, the company focuses on removing spammy content from its search engine results and includes automated text in that category.

Text that hasn’t been reviewed for user experience and text generated using synonymizing or paraphrasing tools is most likely to be penalized.

Editing your AI writing helps ensure that you’re always putting out high-quality content, which is key for improving your website’s SEO.

2. Improve readability

Overused words and repetitive sentence structure can create a negative (or at least boring) reader experience.

These issues are most likely to show up on the first draft of AI-generated text, which can result in readers failing to engage with your content and going elsewhere for their information.

3. Set your content apart

AI content generators are not built to create unique content.

The content is based on predictability.

As more companies use AI writers in their marketing, there’s a risk of everyone sounding the same.

By manually editing and reprocessing your content, you can publish human-like content that sounds different from other brands and gives you a competitive advantage.

4. Appeal to your readers

At the end of the day, you know your audience and your brand’s writing style best.

While an easy-to-read text is good.

Making an actual connection is better.

Tweaking AI content to resonate with your specific readers will help you create long-term relationships that lead to sales and revenue.

Remember that your readers are the ultimate test.

If they think your content sounds more robot than human, you may start losing connection and credibility.

How is AI-generated content detected?

AI detectors use a combination of natural language processing and machine learning features to sift through content and figure out whether it was most likely created by an AI tool or written by a person.

These AI content detection tools compare the writing that’s being tested with a large volume of content data from the rest of the internet.

They use the dataset of existing content to predict the most likely words and phrases used for the related topic.

The more predictable the piece of test writing is, the more likely it is AI writing it instead of it being written by a human.

At least, that’s how the program scores the text.

It is entirely possible to get a false positive reading on something written by a human, depending on the writing style.

In short, here are some of the clues that may flag your text as AI content.

  • Repetitive sentence structure.
  • Predictable word patterns.
  • Lack of transitions and casual phrasing.

Common mistakes that make AI content detectable

If you’re using AI to create content, there’s a chance that one of these detection tools can figure that out.

Here are some of the common AI content mistakes that can make your AI-generated content more likely to be caught.

  • Using an AI tool to write the entire piece of content.
  • Using the first draft of AI-generated output without changing any phrasing.
  • Not adjusting your AI-generated content for the reader’s experience.
  • Not making edits to the AI-generated content for your brand’s voice or tone.

In other words, if you don’t make any changes to an AI draft, it’s going to be more likely that an AI detection tool will flag the content as AI-generated.

How to see if your AI content is detectable

You can use online AI content detectors to test your writing.

Many of the most popular AI detection tools are free to use online.

These include:

To use these tools, paste your text into the tool, and you’ll get a score or estimate of how much of your content was generated by AI.

For example, if you test our sample paragraph that ChatGPT created with the Copyleaks detector, it is pretty sure the paragraph is AI content.

Each detector uses slightly different algorithms and might return different results.

When checked by another content detection tool, Writer, the text gets a score of 68% human-written content, which means that 32% of the content has been flagged as AI-generated.

A note on AI content detectors

AI content detection tools are of great help but they are not perfect.

In some cases, they may fail to detect AI-generated writing or even flag human-written content as AI.

That being said, they are still a helpful tool for quickly evaluating whether or not your content might read like AI-generated content based on the predictability of the sentence structure, words and phrases.

Ultimately, your goal is to publish content that connects with your readers.

You want them to feel like it was written by a human and not generated as output from an AI chatbot.

So it’s always a good idea to review AI content yourself.

If it sounds a little off or robotic, you may want to tweak it so it comes across as more conversational and human.

Benefits of using AI content

If you have to edit the content you get from AI, is it worth using it? For many marketers, the answer is “Yes.”

Here’s a closer look at the benefit of including AI-generated text in your content writing process.

  • Efficiency: AI speeds up content creation and can write articles (at least first drafts) in seconds instead of the hours needed by human writers.
  • Scale: Smaller marketing teams can use AI tools to scale their content operations. For example, starting with an AI draft and editing it for style saves time and enables people to publish more. You can also use AI to generate text for social media posts, which can be time-consuming to do without writing tools.
  • Beat writer’s block: AI is a great tool to deal with writer’s block by generating new content ideas for your human writers.
  • Cost savings: Investing in AI writing tools can be a cost-effective alternative to outsourcing all parts of your content workflow. Even if you only use AI for part of the process, it can save you time and money.

Conclusion: How to generate AI text undetectable and sound more human

The marketing and content creation benefits of AI are just starting to be realized.

As a content writing tool, it can be a useful and cost-effective way to get more out of your marketing strategy.

That being said, it’s still important to review content before it goes out, no matter who wrote it.

This way, you can ensure a positive reader experience and create the type of consistent, high-quality content that keeps people coming back.

Frequently asked questions

Can Google detect AI-written content?

Google uses a variety of tools to detect spammy content, including spam content created by AI writing tools.

If your AI-generated content is not high-quality or doesn’t prioritize the user experience, it may be flagged as spam.

How does Google detect AI content?

Google uses tools like SpamBrain, to detect spam content, which can include both AI-generated and human-written content.

Other content detectors use language models and machine learning algorithms to identify AI-generated text.

What is the best AI detector?

Originality.AI is one of the overall top-rated AI detectors, while is often recommended for content marketers.

Both options highlight which text was flagged as AI, and they also have built-in plagiarism checkers.

What is the best AI writer?

The best AI writer for you depends on the type of content you’re creating.

Jasper AI is recommended for long-form content, while Copy AI is more useful for website and social media copy.

ChatGPT can be used for a wide variety of content creation needs.



Suresh Chaudhary

Suresh Chaudhary is a remote digital marketing & SEO consultant with over 10 years of experience. Find curated content around marketing. Visit Suresh.Tech