Jarvis Rebranded To Jasper

In this post, you’ll learn Jarvis AI Rebranding and the story behind changing the name of the company from Jarvis to Jasper.

Suresh Chaudhary
3 min readJan 25, 2022
Image Source: https://jasper.ai

Hey it’s Suresh Chaudhary,

Today marks an exciting moment in Jarvis.ai’s history; They’ve chosen to rebrand the company from Jarvis to Jasper.

Jarvis AI is now Jasper AI: https://jasper.ai

The origin of the name Jarvis came from the community as their pet name for our AI writing assistant. Sure, we knew J.A.R.V.I.S was the name of Tony Stark’s AI assistant in the Marvel movie Iron Man, but after due diligence with our lawyers, we had good reason to believe no one would actually confuse our real AI assistant Jarvis with the fictional character from the movies.

Then our Jarvis got popular… very popular.

Over the last 12 months, over 350,000 people have loved using our AI writing assistant rating it 5-stars from over 2,500 reviews. Two customers even got tattoos of the Jarvis logo!

This growing enthusiasm and community fandom raised concerns at Marvel.

Eventually, their lawyers felt they needed to defend their trademark for the name Jarvis and sent us a cease and desist for using “AI assistant” with “Jarvis”.

When we received the letter from Thanos, I mean Marvel, two thoughts came to my mind:

  1. Oh crap, Disney is threatening us… But we have a legitimate argument to use the name in this category so maybe we could win.
  2. Actually, this is Disney we’re up against. Even if we have a solid argument, they can keep us in court for as long as they want, draining our bank account and distracting us from progress. Is it really worth all of that just for a name?

So rather than spending all this time and money fighting Marvel to keep the name Jarvis, which would distract us from continuing to build an awesome product for you, we decided to change our company’s name from Jarvis to Jasper.

Say hello to Jasper :-) Visit Website: https://jasper.ai

What is Jasper AI?

Jasper is one of the best ai content generator software that you can use for content writing. It can generate blog posts, social media posts, emails and more using 60+ copywriting tools.

Read Jasper.ai Review here!

How did we come up with Jasper?

We love how the community helped personify the AI; sharing when he was “sick”, “in a funny mood”, and “is really excited about this subject!”.

Our artificial intelligence is way more than a software tool, it’s your assistant.

A team member who helps you write faster and more creatively. They inspire new ideas, make you laugh, and free up your time for you to do human things.

So what name would fit this AI’s personality?

One that embodies his characteristics of being intelligent, friendly, clever, and witty.

This name would also share homage to Jarvis, but with more sophistication as the AI becomes more intelligent and our company matures…

With these parameters, we brainstormed names with the team.

That’s when Jasper was born!

Our vision for Jasper is bigger than ever

The transition to Jasper allows us to go full steam ahead on some of the projects we’ve been planning. In 2022, you can expect a lot of exciting product developments:

  • Bring Jasper with you everywhere via a Chrome extension
  • Integrate Jasper with your tools and workflows with the Jasper API
  • Improved team collaboration features

Scaling the team

To make these dreams come true, we are scaling up the team and hiring the brightest minds in artificial intelligence, data infrastructure, and engineering.

This month alone we’ve doubled the size of the team!

Look forward to smarter Jasper outputs, faster support response times, better training, rapid development, and better products.

Let’s do this

The future is very bright. 2021 was great, but 2022 will be epic. The best is truly yet to come.

Welcome to #JasperNation Learn more at https://jasper.ai



Suresh Chaudhary

Suresh Chaudhary is a remote digital marketing & SEO consultant with over 10 years of experience. Find curated content around marketing. Visit Suresh.Tech