11 Habits That Winners Use to Keep Winning

Bedros Keuilian
5 min readOct 3, 2019


I get hit up every day from people who want to win.

They want to own their industry, have storybook relationships, and get chiseled physiques. But when I ask about their daily habits, I quickly learn that their actions are incongruent with their goals.

They want to win, but they’re living like losers.

The good news is that with just a few habits, anybody can transform themselves into winners. Get started by adopting these 11 habits that winners have.

#1: They show up even when they don’t feel like it.

When you were young you had to do things you don’t want to do. You rode the bus to school every day, got dragged to younger siblings’ piano recitals, and ran laps during gym class.

Winners accept this and realize all those things are beneficial. So they show up at work when the stress would keep others away. They overcome their discomfort and attend funerals. They get to the gym when bed’s calling their name.

They don’t do these things because they want to. They do them because it’s what winners do.

#2: When they’re winning, they try even harder.

Here’s one area where many people fail. They’re on the cusp of greatness when a little bit of success arrives makes them comfortable. Suddenly, they lay off the gas pedal, thinking they’ve arrived at their destination.

Winners know that a little bit of success, even a lot of success, isn’t the end of the road. It’s just part of the journey. There’s always more winning to do, and success fuels winners to fight harder for more of it.

Whether crafting a better offer or hitting personal bests in the weight room, winners are constantly pushing to the next level, no matter how high up the ladder they’ve climbed.

#3: They don’t make excuses for losing.

Winners don’t always win. In fact, because they’re pushing harder than anyone else, they do more losing than losers. The difference is how winners respond.

Watch a loser fail. He’ll throw up his hands, blame somebody else, and then give up. Winners do the exact opposite. They own their losses. When an idea falls flat, winners aren’t afraid to admit it. Most important, they don’t let losses lead to doubt. They evaluate where they went wrong, learn from the mistakes, and come back stronger and ready to dominate.

#4: They know that winning is rented and the rent is due everyday.

Every day, a new batch of people are out there trying to take the top spot from you. Yesterday’s victories mean nothing. Winners know this and use that for fuel.

Winners wake up hungry, looking to win bigger than any day before. They know nothing is guaranteed to them, no matter who they are, what’s in their bank account, or how many followers they have on social media.

To get on top, you’ve got to work like crazy. But getting there is nothing compared to what it takes to stay on top and keep climbing.

#5: They help others win.

While losers only celebrate their own achievements, winners are stoked when other people find success. But winners don’t just celebrate others’ victories. They help others get big wins. They share what they know, connect people with experts, and give behind-the-scenes access to their success.

And winners aren’t worried that someone will learn their tricks and beat them at their own game, because they’re constantly growing. So they give their tricks away, hoping that people use them to enjoy a better life.

#6: They keep their actions congruent with their goals.

There is no room at the winner’s table for double-minded people. These people want to do one thing but their actions sabotage that very goal.

Want to make more time for your family? Put it on your calendar first. Want to be more productive with your day so you can really build your empire? Turn off the phone.

These are the things that winners do that make them winners. Are they small things? Yes. Are they what sets big-time winners apart from the herd? You better believe it.

#7: They never dodge responsibility.

Here’s the thing winning spouses, CEOs, and athletes know: you’re in charge of your life. You make choices and you live with them -- whatever the consequences may be.

Winners don’t shirk responsibility or wish someone else would handle it. They thrive on being the point person and taking the bull by the horns.

#8: They stay away from negativity and gossip.

Negativity -- whether gossip from someone’s mouth or a report on cable news -- is toxic. It instills fear where there should be confidence and puts your focus on something besides what you’re doing. And because it’s negative, it tears you down.

Hit a roadblock at work? It’s time to make a choice.

Are you going to complain to everyone you see or are you going to see it as a growth opportunity? You know which path winners take.

Drop the negativity and put on the positive perspective of winners.

#9: They believe in themselves and their ability to win more than anyone else.

One reason winners love helping people win (see #5) is because they believe in themselves. Seeing other people succeed is inspiration for winners, not a reason to be jealous.

They love being surrounded by winners, because they don’t fear them. When a competitor hits record sales numbers, winners start planning how to smash those numbers over the next quarter.

#10: They’ve already won in their heads.

Losers approach problems with doubts, expect things to fail, and expect others to fail also. There is no such thing as a winner who expects to fail.

Winners expect to win at everything. Even after a massive beating, winners jump back into the boxing ring, certain they’ll win the next fight.

It may seem that winners have their head in the clouds, but winning the head game translates to real-world success.

#11: They never give up.

Life’s hard. Pounds you worked months to shed return after a hard holiday season. Promises you made to yourself and your spouse get broken. The economy fails and forces you to sell that car you love.

This is where winners shine.

Because winners don’t give up. They get back on their feet, take responsibility for their mistakes, tune out negative noise, and know they’re going to win this time around.

If you do that, you’ll do more than stay alive. You’ll enjoy optimal health, take giant leaps in the intimacy you have with your spouse or partner, and build your business empire.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.