The 3 Weapons Weak-Minded People Use to Merely Survive

Bedros Keuilian
4 min readSep 12, 2019


In life and in business, being weak-minded is a huge liability. It puts you at risk for surrounding yourself with the wrong people, being unable to make hard decisions, and never finding joy in what you do.

But listen up, because you don’t have to be a weak-minded loser. You can build your mind’s muscles so you’ll have what it takes to be strong-minded. Do that and the door will fly open to crazy growth for your entrepreneurial ventures and even personal relationships.

Want to be strong-minded? You’ve got to act like it. That means not using the tactics of the weak, including their most beloved three weapons.

Weaponizing greed, gossip and jealousy

So what are the weapons of the weak-minded?

Greed, gossip, and jealousy. Weak-minded people brandish these in an effort to tear others down. While you’re busting your hump to make things happen, weak people are talking about you behind your back. They want what you have. They’re just not willing to do the work to do it. So instead, they talk smack about you when you’re not looking.

If you’re just getting started on your entrepreneurial path, it can be hard to put what the weak have to say in perspective. As a result, you may think what they’re saying has some merit or truth. Let me tell you something. Whatever comes out of their mouths is a lie. Ignore it.

Here’s the thing. Talk is cheap and doesn’t reap any financial reward. But weak-minded people have to be negative toward others. Otherwise, they have to look in the mirror and face the fact that they’re not doing anything of note.

So the haters who are jealous for what you’ve got can talk all they want. It won’t stop them from being broke. More important, it won’t hurt you if you don’t let it.

So the next time a weak-minded person tries to bring you down for dreaming big dreams and taking big steps to reach it, do something. Walk away. If within your power, cut off communication with that weak-minded fear monger. Because it doesn’t matter if someone thinks your business success is undeserved or due to luck. You know the truth. Let that be enough.

Then get back to work on what you were put on planet Earth to do. Go build your empire.

While you’re building, guard against future attacks from the weak by clinging to the weapons of the strong.

Positivity at every turn.

Whereas the weak take up greed, gossip, and jealousy, the strong choose weapons with the power to make positive change. Strong-minded people are confident in who they are and what they’re doing. They’re not threatened by other people. As a result, they’re ready and willing to share what they’ve got with others.

What’s this look like? Positivity, all day every day.

Strong people are always building others up, encouraging them in word or deed. Behind the doors of their businesses, winners are mentoring their team members. When they see a hidden competency, winners point it out and help others develop skills through on-the-job training or paying their way to educational conferences.

At other times, a selfless winner will leave the confines of his office to get his hands dirty alongside the team. And it’s not always in an emergency situation. This gives winners another chance to build people up, thank them for what they do, and acknowledge their positive attitude.

And winners are genuinely excited when other people are happy, even if being happy takes work. When a top performing team member has a baby and decides to stay home to care for the newborn, winners see this as great news. Why wouldn’t they? Someone they care about has just hit a major milestone in life!

Of course, it hurts to lose someone who does a great job and adds to company culture. Winners acknowledge this fact, but they don’t dwell on it.

And the winning person who isn’t at work? She’s happy when her best friend gets engaged or drops two dress sizes. She believes others deserve good things too and she’s thrilled when they get them.

What’s in your arsenal?

Now for the hard part. It’s time to look inside yourself to see what weapons you have in your holsters. As you evaluate yourself, be honest. Brutally honest. That’s the only way you’re going to experience growth.

If you’re more drawn to bitterness, envy, and other weapons built to hurt other people, admit it. Then recognize the choice you have to make. Are you going to let negativity keep eating away at you or are you going to grab the weapons of the strong? Moving into a state of positivity is possible, but you’ve got to want it, and you’ve got to be intentional to get there.

For those who are strong-minded and have trained themselves to ignore the haters, congratulations! You’ve done what millions wish they could and have become what every weak-minded person dreams of becoming. So here’s a MASSIVE shout out to all the driven, optimistic, ambitious, and success-minded folks out there who are grinding it out on the daily to turn dreams into reality.

The world needs more people like you, so do me a favor.

Keep going. Push hard every day, harder when you hear the haters. When weak-minded people aim their weapons at you, be encouraged knowing you’re doing something special, something worth hating on. And that’s how you build your business empire.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.