Why You Should Bet on Yourself

Bedros Keuilian
5 min readDec 18, 2019


Every day, people will try telling you how things really are, how life really works, how success really happens. They mean well, but they don’t know what they’re talking about.

The problem is that most of these people live their lives as scared little puppies. They punch in at work and go home at 5, sit on their couches watching reruns every night, and do nothing that could possibly make them live better lives. They won’t take chances because it’s dangerous and when they weigh risks and rewards, the risks always win out.

So they complain that life won’t magically give them what they feel they deserve.

The problem is that they then try to instill these fears in you. Because if they can convince you to ride the mediocre train with them, they won’t feel bad about their own choices.

But here’s the thing that can get lost in the shuffle. You’re worth betting on. That idea everyone says is crazy? You’ve got the balls to make it happen. And in short order, you’re going to. Just remember four things on the way there.

YOU are the CEO of your life

While we should all have mentors who help open our eyes to the pros and cons of life-altering decisions, none of them is responsible for your life. You are. Only you.

You decide who to fire or promote.

You decide when to pull the plug on an idea or push it to its full potential.

You decide whether you’re going to hit the gym today or skip for the second day in a row.

There can only be one boss, and it’s you. It’s true in the office, it’s true about your health, and it’s true at home.

Want to be the parent you never had? Stop listening to people who say you’ll never measure up, that history is sure to repeat itself. If you want to be a loving, empowering, present parent, be that parent. Make no excuses and take no excuses. Do what you have to do to make it happen.

Bet on yourself and then make good on your bet. It’ll make everyone in your life happy, starting with you.

YOU get what you tolerate in life

You can’t control the weather, politics, or how other people will respond to difficult situations. What you can control is what you’re willing to put up with.

The most successful people know that you get whatever you’re willing to tolerate. That’s why they say no to most everything. They’re not willing to be sidetracked by small, insignificant things. They stay focused on the end goal.

What about you — do you tolerate nonsense from your closest allies?

Do your employees ignore you?

Do your kids set the rules at your house?

Does your spouse treat you like dirt?

That only happens because you let it happen.

Set higher standards and expectations for yourself and everyone around you. It may not change the behavior of anyone around you, but it will give YOU confidence, peace of mind, and a sense of control that enable you to own your life.

YOU will always deliver the highest ROI

If you take the previous two lessons to heart, you’re going to get a lot more out of life.

You will always produce more income, more meaning, and more happiness from your own actions than you’ll get from an external source. That’s because you know your own desires, strengths, and weaknesses better than anyone else — and you always control how much effort you put in.

The minute you reach out to an external source, it’s a guessing game. You can’t control anyone else’s effort, passion, or grit. All you can do is hope.

When you see someone with incredible skill and potential, you believe in them. And that’s fine. Seeing a young buck with a fire to succeed is inspiring, and it’s right to lift them up.

But you can’t expect them to do the hard things for you. Nobody else will ever want your dream as bad as you do — aside from your competition. That’s why you need to focus on the biggest needle movers in your life and business — EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE IT — and delegate all the rest.

You have the vision and you’re the one who is responsible for making that vision a reality. Yes, you need other people to get there, but you can’t count on anyone but yourself to reach it.

So when you wake up, expect to outdo yesterday. Invest more time, more money, more energy, and more effort in your personal growth. You’re in charge. Grow yourself to be a better leader.

Get out of your comfort zone. Go to a conference where your favorite thought leader is speaking and connect with them face to face. Take on a new challenge, like running a marathon or getting in the ring with a pro MMA fighter.. Because if you’re not growing, your company can’t grow.

Take your personal life just as seriously. Be honest. How is your marriage? If it’s struggling, why do you keep acting like it’s not worth the effort?

Bet on yourself and save your marriage! Stop looking outward and look in. Put your money, time, and effort where you’ll reap the biggest rewards: YOU!

It sounds selfish, but I guarantee as soon as you do this, you’ll be better positioned to have a bigger impact on the people who count on you.

YOU are a badass!

So why are you second-guessing yourself?

If you’re feeling tentative about your next move, STOP and remind yourself that YOU ARE A BADASS!

Because you’re a badass, it doesn’t matter if the next move fails. If it does, then you’ll just emerge stronger and wiser. Adversity is a gift — it’s HOW the strong become stronger and the weak get scared away.

Here’s the final word.

You’ve spent a lot of mental, emotional, and financial capital betting on everyone else. Now it’s time to bet on yourself again. Do it and you’ll build your business empire and live the life you want to live.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.