Peter Beech
1 min readMay 9, 2016

The wonderful British Library

At times like these, with rents skyrocketing, the coverage of Corbyn getting shriller by the day and quality of life in freefall for many, it can be difficult to remember the plus points of living in London. Then, on a day off, you come along to the British Library. Somehow, beside one of the city’s busiest roads, we have created a intellectual oasis, where hundreds of people at a time can enjoy a luxurious working space, access to any book published in the British Isles and sit by a massive iron version of Blake’s Newton in a peaceful courtyard while they chew on their packed lunches — and it’s all for free. I’m so surprised it even exists I almost don’t want to celebrate, in case someone tries to monetise it. The British Library: when everything else is turning to shit, remember it’s still here.