Beefquest 003: Crash Survivors

Beefquest Dev Blog
3 min readJun 14, 2020


This post explains the role of “Survivors” and “Abilities” in Beefquest.

Survivors are humanlike units that crashed on an unknown planet in escape pods. They’re tough and well rounded. They’re capable of harvesting, construction, production, and combat. Survivors are known to possess special abilities.

There are two survivors so far. We plan on continually adding new survivors and abilities to go with them. We also plan to add events and other means to gain survivors for your faction. Currently you start the game with a single survivor.

Two survivors producing resources in a small base


Abilities govern everything a unit can do. They’re represented by different “cards” that are possessed by each given unit.

The idea with abilities is they can be pretty much anything. They could be passive, active, invoke based on certain conditions, used for combat, economy, etc.

Ability: Attack

Beefquest — Attack card

Units with attack can perform a basic attack using the weapon they have equipped. Attacks can be melee or ranged.

Ability: Harvest

Beefquest — Harvest card

Units with harvest can collect raw resources in the game world, using the tool they have equipped. For example, Drones use lasers.

Ability: Demolish

Beefquest — Demolish card

Units with demolish can destroy friendly structures for a refund of some ingredients.

Ability: Eat

Beefquest — Eat card (Sushi)

Units who need food can eat meals from the stockpiles to restore food points and health points. Eventually they’ll have varying stats and buffs.

Special Ability: E-Blast

Beefquest — E-Blast card

Ability cards with a yellow border are special abilities. E-Blast is a combat ability that inflicts damage-over-time and has a final impact. It’s manually targeted by clicking the card.

E-Blast used on a bird (birds aren’t real, they were replaced with robots in the 90s)

Stay tuned for the next post, Beefquest 004: Construction.

