A Guide to Permanent Hair Removal

3 min readMay 25, 2023
A Guide to Permanent Hair Removal

Wouldn't it be wonderful to live a life free of difficult issues? Many of us fantasize about not having to worry about hairy underarms and thickening leg hair when we wake up in the morning.

Every woman's dream: lasting hair removal!

There are over 5 million hair strands on every part of our bodies. There is no reason why you should not put on your hair with confidence since body hair is entirely natural.

However, the current fashion is to get rid of all those noticeable body hairs because having smooth skin has benefits, including increasing hygiene and making you feel more at ease.
However, smooth skin comes at a cost. No matter if you epilate your legs on a regular basis, shave your underarms and pubic area every morning, or get the wax removed from your body at the spa, hair removal takes a lot of effort. When you stop, hairs will begin to regrow.
Therefore, hair removal methods that guarantee permanently smooth skin are in demand. Lasers transmit light impulses to hair follicles. The pigment found in the hair, melanin, catches the light, which is then turned into heat and concentrated at the hair root.

The hair is encouraged to get into its resting state as a result. It naturally sheds in between sessions and further growth is suppressed. Depending on the body part, hair volume, and hair type, a number of sessions may be necessary to achieve entire hair removal because only hairs in the phase of growth may be treated in this manner.

With a laser, you can considerably slow down hair growth over time compared to shaving or epilating.


Among the most popular procedures, dermatologists undertake globally is
professional laser hair removal. It is an efficient and safe method. The phrase hair reduction deserves to be used because a sizable portion of hair rapidly vanishes after numerous sessions and prevents regrowth.
There are numerous choices available for laser hair removal techniques. The ruby, alexandrite, diode, and nd:yag laser treatments are the five most popular kinds of professional laser hair removal systems. Every laser system is unique from the rest. For certain kinds of hair, some lasers work better. For people with darker skin tones, certain lasers are less dangerous. When compared to other lasers, most laser systems work better on particular body parts.


In terms of professional laser hair removal technology, diode lasers are relatively modern. Diodes are semiconductors that are used as their source of power to generate a laser ray with an effective wavelength of 800–810 nm. This longer spectrum is better for reaching the hair root deep inside. Diode lasers are excellent for eliminating dense or tough hair and are typically appropriate for darker skin tones. In order to treat their chest
or back hair, men frequently use the diode hair removal laser system. While women can utilize it for every part of the body except eye areas.
The majority of people report minimal or zero pain. When the laser emits energy, some people feel a slight prickling sensation, but the cooling system of smart diode treatment soothes it and is totally comfy, so for the majority (about 90%), the procedure is completely pain-free and relaxing.


90% hair reduction is promised in a few sessions at BEELASER!
Since each client's skin and hair condition is unique, BeeLaser does not apply standard parameters to them. To ensure that you receive the finest results in the shortest amount of time, we modify our settings. As a result, you spend less cash than the majority of our rivals who provide cheaper packages with basic options, demanding additional visits
spread out over an extended period of time as well as higher-ups and downs in the future. Using medical-grade tech and five-star customer service, we promise up to 90% less hair in only a few visits.

Read more: Permanent Hair Removal with Diode Laser Technology

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We are one of the finest full body laser hair removal treatment clinics in Harrow UK, providing the best hair removal services for women of all ages.