“Leadership Attributes Of a LION”

Beenish Razaq
4 min readMay 20, 2020


Generally LION is perceived as a wild and dangerous animal whereas his innate magical characteristics are ignored. He is called the “King of The Jungle” and is the strongest of all the animals in jungle due to big Size and attacking nature. But if one takes a closer look with a vision to see something really impressive and surprising then those qualities can be seen clearly.

LION plays the role of a leader in jungle and others animals act as his followers as happens in humans. The position of a leader is of great importance because it is the fundamental point of success or failure. A famous African Proverb is:

“An army of Sheep led by a Lion can defeat an army of Lions led by a Sheep.”

Lions has always been considered as the symbol of power, bravery, courage, strength fearlessness and ferocity. These attributes contribute as a building block of his success as a leader.

∆ Characteristics of a LION:

•Majestic Personality

•Born Leader


•Strong Willed and determined

•Independent & Self-sufficient

•Extremely Confident

•Not easily defeated or discouraged

•Risk Taker



•Power and Courage

•Equality and justice

•Goal Oriented

∆ Characteristics of a Leader:

•Has a vision to achieve

•Risk Taker

•Eager to bring change

•Charismatic personality


•Ability to inspire others

•Led by example

•Decisive nature


•Capable of motivating and influencing the followers

•Focus on goal


•Enthusiasm & Unselfishness


∆ Leader Vs Lion:

Above mentioned characteristics clarifiy that both leader and a Lion possess somewhat similar personality attributes. If one takes a closer look at the majestic life of a Lion he can clearly see all the LEADERSHIP QUALITIES in him which are elaborated as mandatory qualities to become a successful leader for the Human Beings.

It is said that this World is like a Jungle where to survive one has two options,

=Fight and Dominate

=Hide and Evaporate

A true leader always goes for the first option & neglects the second one because it is against this Philosophies, Morals, Values and Personality Traits to accept defeat from difficulties and obstacles. He always strives to face the hard times to show how Strong he actually is. Because fear is the factor that can damage the will to compete and when this fear of Uncertainty is removed then miracles and wonders happen.

“Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless”

Therefore, of one mirrors the life of a Lion and adopts his way of living and Hunting his goals then a leader can do anything with efficiency and effectiveness no matter how hard it is to accomplish that Goal. To achieve ultimate success it is important to have the followers with same vision as yours to get best outcomes.

∆ Conclusion:

A lion is the ultimate symbol of bravery, strength, power and fearlessness. His personality traits are of similar of a leader. It is the choice of a person that which path he wants to pursue. It is solely the choice of the person whether they want to live the life of LION or a SHEEP.

